Chapter Two

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*About Seven Thousand Years Ago*

Dragonfly's P.O.V.

Okay, so it's been a long time. Big whoop. I'm just glad to be alive. And guess what? A new creature appeared this year and it looks exactly like us... at least, sort of? They don't have extra parts or powers like we do, but still, they look amazing! We (as in the kwamis, my old friends, and I) decided to call them humans, a word that I have no idea what it means. Still, it sounds cool...

By the way, I don't faint as often! Yay! Usually, my earrings keeps the access power away from me so I don't go other-worldly, as my friends call it. The excess power has added a lot of upgrades to the talismans. The humans call these talismans... miraculouses? Is that how you say it? Wait, they call them the miraculous, not miraculouses... I think I made the first word up. Oh well. Anyway, now I can bring back the dead up to two days without fainting, while wearing my earrings (because I have upgraded a lot myself) if they are the same size of a human and they were not completely destroyed (that is an entirely different story I don't want to tell).

Master Creator and I decided to have the humans test out the miraculous. We didn't give them the stronger miraculous, but we did let them try the weakest ones. Boy, am I happy we did. The human we gave the deer miraculous to was very helpful. While Master Creator and I mingled among the humans, a stampede of buffalo came hurling towards the village (Plagor and Jake's fault yet again). The human I had given the deer miraculous to, named Arietes, charged straight towards the lead buffalo. Then it happened.

"TRANSFORM!" shouted the human. As Snow was sucked into the miraculous, brown light surrounded Arietes. The humans original clothes changed into a deer skin suit, his face covered by a mask in the form of a deer. And then they clashed. The buffalo was strong, but then Arietes activated Snows ability.

"Strength of the FOREST!"

The human quickly overthrew the large beast and stopped the rest of the stampede. The other humans worshipped him, even though he constantly said, "do not praise me, for I am nothing but a man. Instead, praise those that gave us this power."

That was a wonderful speech. But we also learned the consequences of letting this power fall into the wrong hands. One human was jealous of his fellow brother and came up with an elaborate scheme to get his hands on one of the miraculous. And he did get his hands on one, the monarch butterfly miraculous. He called himself The Great Papilionem (weird name...).

Because of that miraculous grants the power of physical illusion (the ability to create illusions that can be touched, but will disappear five to ten minutes after they are created), he reenacted the buffalo incident, making the people believe that he was just like Arietes. But that didn't satisfy him. He continued to make himself look like the, the one saving the people. He boasted about being given his miraculous by yours truly and it seemed like he was the perfect hero, until I decided to show up.

"What do we have here?" I asked as I approached him and his little group of followers. The Great Papilionem froze once he saw me.

"D-Dragonfly?" he whispered, paling at the very moment he realized I was really there.

"Could you tell me what is going on here?" I asked a young human girl that was standing near me, smiling at the child. She smiled back.

"Well, we're just talking to your chosen one," replied the young girl. I looked at the girl confused.

"Chosen one?" I asked.

"Yep!" she said brightly. "The one you gave the Mona-" the man quickly muffled the girl's words with his hand.

"Sorry, Dragonfly," the man quickly said. "Lilac can be a talker sometimes." Before another word could exit his lips, I yanked his hand from the girl's mouth and pulled her away from the man's reach.

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