Chapter One

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A/N if you are wondering, yes, this is on both Quotev and Wattpad. I wrote both, so PLEASE DON'T FREAK OUT! Thanks!

*Millions of years ago*

Dragonfly's P.O.V.

To say that the last two years were interesting is an understatement. It has been, like I said, two years since the talismans have been created. Two years of learning the current extent of my powers (which has only grown throughout the years). And it has only been one year since making the mistake of activating Plagor's talisman.

I had finally figured out how to activate them. The day I learned how was a day we had planned a party. Master Creator also planned to see what powers each of them had. Personally, I thought Jake and Buttercup's powers were the best out of the lesser kwamies. Jake, the fruit bat kwamie, has the power to blot out the sun and make it night for ten minutes. Of course, we also found out about the need for food afterwards. The poor thing nearly fainted, so we tried giving him different foods. Mangoes worked the best. As for Buttercup, the Monarch butterfly kwamie, her ability is to create an illusion that is solid for five minutes. She too had to have a small food break afterwards. We tested all the other kwamies but Plagor and Tikiria. We didn't know what they were capable of due to the extra power they got from me.

Finally, it was time. Tikiria went first. Master Creator asked her to do what she felt was right. All of a sudden, she created a large polka dot ball. She also cleansed the butterfly Nooroo was working with. That may or may not have been a good idea, due to the fact that Pollen had to take an hour to stop him from crying. Afterwards, she too took a snack break. Then came the mistake. We asked Plagor to also do what he felt was right. What happened afterwards was catastrophic. Shouting "DESTROY!" at the top of his lungs, Plagor tapped the ground. The ground began to shake. Cracks spread like wildfire across the landscape. Thank goodness we were all immortal, or else we would have ended up like those poor dinosaurs.

Now, one year later, we are still trying to fix Plagor's mess. There is still dust flying around (and I can't stop sneezing every ten minutes unless I have a cloth covering my mouth and nose), there are dead dinosaurs everywhere, and the land is starting to split. Good news is that the pieces haven't gone too far, only a mile or two. Plagor won't stop saying sorry, but we won't let him use his power right now. Master Creator is trying to find a way to control Plagor's power. So far, nothing. I have a feeling that we won't find out how until he gets a master. Now that will be hard. There's no one around to give it to.

I can't believe that I am the only one of my kind at the moment. Master Creator doesn't even know what to call me. An animal... oh forget it. We'll say that I'm a large kwamie. Anyway, I cannot wait for the others to wake up... especially my partner. He is so kind and caring. He has always been there for me. I also can't wait to see his reaction when he wakes up with the others. Sadly, I won't be able to see his reaction, due to my own curse. Believe me when I say that I have tried and failed to enter the grounds where my friends are. Right after Master Creator told me the plan to help me get back home, I still asked if we could try the other way first.

And we did. Even though Master Creator could enter, I couldn't. We tried everything that we could think of. First, running at it. It felt like running into a solid rock wall (do not ask me how I know, the experience wasn't pleasant). Next, we tried a hammer. It went through, but I didn't. After that, I tried cutting it with sharp rocks. Same effect as the hammer. We tried everything, even me angering a full grown T-Rex and having it chase me into the invisible wall. Though it didn't hurt me very much, the T-Rex got electrocuted. It did make a wonderful roast afterwards. Roasted T-Rex, seasoned with spice and served with a side of flame cooked carrots and fresh mango juice. I never had a better meal during that time...

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