Chapter Three

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*Two Years Ago*

Ash's P.O.V.

I bolted awake, shaking from head to toe with cold sweat dripping from my face. This has been going on months, since my nineteenth birthday. It had been different every night. But this was the worst. Most would say that dreams are visions of the past. If that is true, then I had a very scary life. A life as a superhero. A dead superhero. How do I know? I looked the hero up, and there is only one thing about them and it is about a single statue in the town they disappeared. And last night's dream was their last day alive. A life that ended in an explosion. In that dream, I also had a partner. I don't remember his name, though. It keeps avoiding me like pepper and dish soap in a bowl of water (don't ask. I had a lot of time on my hands, but try looking it up. I think you can find it online...). He cared for me no matter what. I also had a best friend who I kept calling them kitty and everyday I would play tag with her. I wish those to were really my friends now...


It's Friday...

YES!!! I can't wait for this weekend! My family has asked me to go out on a family trip to New Orleans. I had moved out of the house about a year ago, and I had just barely finished unpacking everything. I get to see the place my father spent two years of his life working! I always wanted to go to that place. I quickly got dressed, ate a quick breakfast, grabbed my bag, and ran to my car. I live about eight hours away, so I would have to leave at eleven o'clock at night if I wanted to make it on time, so I left early at eight in the morning, and drove for what seemed like half a day with only a lunch, gas, and bathroom break to slow me down.

I was just pulling into my parents' driveway when I saw Collin running out with a man that had a long knife in his hand on his tail. To say I was scared is an understatement. I was down right terrified as well as angry, and for good reason. Collin had a slash across his cheek and blood was slowly dripping down from the wound. He also had a slash across his side, causing a blood stain to form on his shirt. He saw me and bolted for my car. I quickly unlocked it and let my brother in. He slammed the door and I was speeding away in no time, all the while having a screaming brother in the back seat. The man tried to follow, but he couldn't. All he had was his feet, and my car was speeding down the road like I was in a race. A race for my life.

I drove for about an hour, driving to nowhere in particular, before I pulled up into an abandoned parking lot. I parked, turned off the car, then turned to Collin, who had climbed up into the seat next to me. He had tears streaming down his face, some of it mixing with the dry blood that was on his cheek. His wounds had stopped bleeding, thank goodness, but I could see he was broken.

"T-t-thanks sis," Collin whispered, hugging his knees.

"Are you okay to talk about it?" I said softly as I rubbed his arm. He just sat there for a second before he started sobbing. I pulled him close, hugging him to my chest. I knew exactly what he was about to say before he even opened his mouth.

"He... he killed them, Ash. He killed them."



"When I saw that man chasing you with that knife, I thought as much," I finally said, tears threatening to spill from mine own eyes. "I-I'm sorry I didn't get there in time..."

"I-I would have been dead by now if you hadn't shown up when you did," Collin said, pulling away and looking me in the eye. "You probably would have been dead, too, if you had come earlier. I-I'm glad to have at least one family member alive."

The tears threatening to spill did, and we both sobbed from relief to be alive and sadness that the rest of the family was dead. We just cried for about an half hour before we decided to head back to my place. That trip ended up taking about seven hours to complete because I realized that I had been driving in that direction subconsciously in the first place. Halfway there, I had stopped for another break for food, the restroom, and gas. Collin ate little, due to the sadness that was overwhelming him. After dinner, Collin fell asleep in the back.

Until Her Heart Stops *Discontinued for now*Where stories live. Discover now