Chapter Six

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*One And A Half Years Ago*

Ari's P.O.V.

As soon as Ash said, "meet you in the backyard," I knew I was dead. Even though there have been no venoms since we disappeared several years ago, Ash doesn't want us to be caught unaware. So the backyard is now our training grounds. Everyone had to learn how to fight in and out of our superhero forms. Ash never uses her powers, but she will still give you a good fight. I have a very bad feeling she is going to make an exception today.

Walking into the backyard, I saw Dillan and Brock practicing hand to hand combat. It was understandable, after all they were the biggest kids in the group. They stopped when they saw me.

"What'cha doin', Ari?" Dillan asked, raising his eyebrow. "You don't usually come ta practice."

"Punishment," I replied, shoulders sagging. "Got in trouble with Ash and now I have to train with her." The boys looked shocked.

"But Ash don't ever practice with us," replied Brock in his western slang. "She's always worken ta hard. Never have the time of day ta practice."

"That's because she practices right before bed, so she's feeling tired when we go to bed," I replied.

"Your right about the time, not about the reason," a voice said behind me.

I whipped around and saw Ash standing there in her exercise clothes, which consisted of black exercise pants, a medium blue shirt and black tennis shoes. Her brown hair was in a French braid, which she usually asked Amelie to do since Ash couldn't do it herself. She was also wearing a pair of exercising glasses to help her see. Brock and Dillan's jaws dropped. They never saw Ash on the training grounds, but I had and at the moment, I was mentally pleading Ash for mercy. She chuckled.

"Yes, Dillan," Ash said, taking a step towards me, giving me a reason to step back. "I do indeed practice, but I do it at night because that is when Brown Reclusa is most likely to attack. She is nocturnal, after all. Anyway, I thought this would be a good time to break some of my traditions. Ari has been a bit... mischievous this morning, so as punishment, she will fight me."

Dillan and Brock looked at me. "What'cha do this time, Air?"

I chuckled nervously and fidgeting with my nails, I said, "I may or may not have pulled a prank on Collin and Eric that may or may not involved orange paint and rose petals..."

Both boys immediately face-palmed. Ash chuckled, grabbed my ear, and dragged me to the part that we called "the arena," all the while I was shouting, "Ow, ow, oW, OW, OW!!!"

When Ash and I get to "the arena, " she finally let go of my now red ear. That's when I realized exactly where we are. I bolted. I should have known Ash wouldn't let me go that easily. I heard a grunt, then an actual arena appeared around us and I learned that a little to late. Bam! A wall decided to kiss me. I tried to climb over it. A force field? Seriously!? That's also when the ground decided to meet me.

In my mind I think, 'I'm gonna die!'

"Remember, I have a curse," Ash replied, pulling me up. "I can't kill, but be ready for a whole lot of torture..."

Amelie P.O.V.

When Brock and Dillan came running in shouting about how Ari and Ash were going to fight in the arena, I knew I wasn't going to let Natalia around that specific area. That happened to be very difficult when she was the first one out the door. The entire household came running out to the backyard, only to see an actual arena had appeared.


Natalia was almost to the entrance when I said that. She simply looked back, but didn't come back to me. She continued to walk to and went through the entrance.

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