Chapter Five

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*One And A Half Years Ago*

Mizuki's P.O.V.

I can't believe that Ms.Gla... um, Ash, is letting my cousin stay over, and for a whole month, too! I haven't seen her since I was twelve. That was the last time she came to visit. Boy, was that a long time ago. Still, tomorrow is the big day! Ash helped me prepare her room. Ari also helped, as well as Collin!!! He even helped paint, though Ash did have to get two extra buckets after I dumped a white bucket of paint on him after he poured an entire bucket of pink on me! That was so fun! Now that I think about it, I don't really know if my cousin likes pink. Wait, what if she likes blue or purple instead? Oh no, SHE WOULD HATE ME!!! You know what? She probably already hates me for not calling her or making the journey to go see her, Auntie, and Uncle! She will hate me so much that our friendship will already be broken and instead of spending time with me, she'll spend it with Collin, then they'll fall in love, have five kids, and all I'll have is a pet hedgehog named-

"Sammy," finished Ash. Did I forget to mention that she can hear my thoughts? "Mizuki, sweetheart, you are thinking VERY loud at the moment. Just calm down. Besides, your cousin won't hate you just because you didn't call her. After all, she barely knows any English and you barely know any French! How would you communicate over large distances with that kind of knowledge, and don't say google."

Backstory about how Ash can hear my thoughts. I'm an arachnoid. No, that is NOT a spider... at least, not the one I'm talking about. An arachnoid is a person granted power by Jumper, the human spider whatchamacallit. She gives us powers by first transforming any spider into a magical jumping spider. This spider then goes into an object and remains there until the object is destroyed. While in the object, it gives the user abilities based off of your experience. It just so happens that Dragonfly added upgrades to these objects. While you have them, you can't talk about where you got it or who else has this power (that way no one can find us and blackmail us). The other upgrades include the ability to transform without Jumper's permission (though she can pull back our powers if she needs to), being connected telepathically with anyone else that has one, and forgetting where we got the arachnoids in the first place, should we lose them.

And, since Dragonfly helps create these arachnoids, Jumper can make as many as she wants. The cool part is, we even know who Jumper is! Dragonfly still remains a mystery, but no one seems to mind. Anyway, Ash is one of these arachnoids, and she is the ONLY ONE that can block her thoughts from the rest of us. Believe me, even Jumper can't break that barrier. I wonder what she's hiding?

"Well," Ash said as she pulled up to the airport," even I have secrets that I want to keep."

"Whoops," I grumbled. "I guess that one slipped."

"Don't worry, I won't hold it against you."

Wow, that was nice.


"Can you please stop?" I grumbled at Ash, blushing hard with embarrassment. She only chuckled as she got out of the car, while I jumped out and followed close behind.

We entered the waiting area. We were five minutes early, so we waited. Her plane ended up being thirty minutes late. The entire time I was bored while Ash was busy thinking up and drawing new clothes to create. Honestly, I think she would make an awesome fashion designer.

"If that were true, I would try to start my own business," Ash said, startling me to the point that I fell off my seat. She just continued to draw. "If I were you, I would try not to think that loud. You never know who's listening. By the way, are you okay?"

I stood up, dusted myself off, then sat back down. "Yeah, I'm okay," I said, forgetting how nervous I was, "and I'll try to think quieter."

"Good. Oh, look! Here she comes!"

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