Chapter Four

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*Two Years Ago*

Dragonfly/Ash's P.O.V.

"Holy macadamian nut," I whispered, staring at my best friend Ari, now my old friend Jaguara. "This is so weird."

"D-Dragonfly, w-where's my friend Ash?" Jaguara asked. I dead panned.

"Ari, it's me. I'm Ash."

"No your not."

"Yes I am."

"No your not."

"Yes I am."

"No your not."

"Yes I am."

"No your not."

"Yes I am."

"No your not."

"Yes I am."

"No your not."

"Yes I am."

"No your not."

"Yes I am."

"Purrrrrrove it."

"Well, your parents were killed by a jaguar at the zoo, you are known as the crazy aunt of the group, and you have a crush on Os-" Jaguara shut me up by the time I started saying her crushes name.

"Shut up! You know not to say that name because he might hear..."


"Okay, you proved me enough," Jaguara said as she looked at me with a critical eye. "But I now have a thousand questions."

"I can't answer your questions right now. Someone's coming." With that, we hid the roof of a nearby building. Soft footsteps entered the square.

"Who parked their car here?" said a middle aged woman with long black hair. She was carrying a basket of cleaning supplies. "Hm..."

I chuckled and transformed back into Ash. Jaguara looked at me like I was a ghost. Before she could ask any questions, I put a finger to her lips, then I stood up. "HI!!!" I shouted.

The woman literally jumped, then turned towards me, looking around.

"Up here!"

She looked up and gasped, seeing me on the roof of a building. "How did you get up there?!"

"I climbed."

"Get down right now, it's not safe."

"I'm nineteen years old, you know?"

"I don't care, the roof could cave in at any moment so get down."

"All right, all right." I quickly ducked out of sight of the lady and head to the other side of the roof before transforming into Dragonfly again.

"Dragonfly, what are you doing?" whisper/hissed Jaguara. I looked at her.

"Don't worry, just follow my lead," I whispered back. "Also, I'll tell you how to transform back later. I have a feeling she'll want to see you." I jumped down the back, using my wings to slow my descent. I quickly transformed back to Ash before I walked back to the front of the building. The woman was standing there patiently waiting for me. She looked relieved to see me okay.

"Please, be more careful, "the woman said turning around and heading towards the statue of me. "This place is really old and could break in a second."

"Don't worry," I said, running over to catch up. "I was completely safe."

The woman glanced at me, then replied, "how do you know that you would have been fine?"

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