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Beep beep beep be-
I slam my hand on the alarm, I look and the clock 8:50 "SHIT IM GOING TO BE LATE" I say as I rush down the stairs "morning sweetie" mom says "hey mom" I say as I give her a kiss on the cheek. I grab my backpack and run out the door, on my way to school I hear my name being called "(y/n)" I turn around and see my best friend running to me. "Oh hey Evan" I say, "wanna walk with me to school" he says "sure" I say as we walk.

"So have you thought of what club your getting yet?" He asks as we reach the school " I thought of getting (random club)" (a/n I don't know what you guys like so just pick whatever) "oh ok cool, I decided to get GAMING CLUB" he says very loudly "of course you would pick that" I say. Ring the bell rings "we'll see you at lunch" he says walking away "ok bye!"i say as I rush to class I look at my first period science. I start rushing to class and then find out I'm lost "hey you need help beautiful" I hear I turn around quickly. I see craig/miniladd "um yea kinda" I say asking myself why he called me beautiful "let me see your schedule" he says with his accent.

"Oh i know, follow me" he says and I start following him. We get to my class I thank him and he says your welcome "mrs (l/n) your late" mrs.akinbi says "uh sorry I got lost" I say rudely "just sit, your seat is right over there" she points to a seat next to a boy with a bunny outfit ugh great I have to sit next to a boy I go sit down and the class starts.

(Time skip)
The bell rings and everyone gets up. I see the boy leave he's weird , I look at my schedule and I see computer class, I look around and see a class that's labeled Computer room,I go in and see the teacher sitting down at her desk "I think I'm the first one here" i mumble to myself, I walk up to the teacher "hello there" she says she seems nice "hello mrs?"I ask " oh my names mrs.wallace, you seat is right there" she points to a seat in the back "ok thank you" I say I sit down and wait. Then out of no where a group of people come in and I see that bunny guy again hes kinda cute ugh stop it (y/n) you don't even know him. I see him walk past me and he sits in front of me. The teacher starts teaching coding, then I hear "hey do you understand this?"

I look at where it was coming from and it was bunny boy "no not really" I giggle, then he giggles that laugh ugh stop it (y/n). Then the bell rings(class wasn't that short) "welp time for lunch" I say. When I get to lunch I see Evan I sit next to him and then he starts talking "so I see you met ohm" he says " um who's ohm" I say confused "the guy with the bunny outfit with the blindfold over his eyes" he says "oooh so that's his name?" I say surprised "yep" our table gets called to get lunch as we eat I hear Evan call someone "hey ohm come here" he yells "why would you call him here" I whisper to Evan " why you like him" he whispers back. I start blushing "hey Evan" ohm says not gonna lie he has a nice voice "watuuuuuup" Evan says "hello" ohm says to me "oh um h-hello" I say nervously

Why am I nervous

Heyyy guys my first story I know it's short but I got tired it's really late where I am. Hope you guys have a nice day❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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