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I get out of bed and go downstairs to eat. I hear a knock on the door so I go open it and of course is ohm "get ready we're going somewhere" he says excited "but I don't want to go out" I say complaining "well I don't care get ready" he says "fine" I say as I walk up the stairs. I wear a pink crop top, light blue jeans and my red vans. I go to the bathroom wash my teeth and put my hair in a high ponytail. "Let's go" i say frustrated, he giggles and follows me out the door. We get in his car and he starts driving.

Time skip brought to you by Scotty's voice crack

We get to a fancy restaurant, we go inside and sit down. We order food and start eating, I look at ohm and I see excitement in his eyes "why so hyper?" I ask. He starts to get nervous so I raise an eyebrow so he stands up and kneels down "(y/n) I've love you for the longest and I finally got the guts to ask you will you marry me?" My eyes start to water and people start looking at us "YES A HUNDRED TIMES YES" he get up and hugs me hard, people around us clap and we pay for the food and leave running.


"Masked love" (ohmwrecker x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now