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Previously on "masked love": it's my mom " where the hell are you mija? I've been waiting here for so long" mom says "sorry mom I got distracted" I say and hang up " I gotta go" I say in a rush "Bye!" He says and I wave back. I get in the car and my mom starts driving "hey we got new neighbors" she says "wait really?" I say curious "yep and we're meeting them today" I get to my home and see a big truck with boxes in it. Me and my mom knock on the door and we hear the door unlock.
You've got to be kidding me.

"Oh hello," Ohm says, out of all people he has to move next door "hello we just wanted to say welcome to the neighborhood!" Mom says "well thank you" he says "hey (y/n)" he says smiling"hey ohm" I smile back "well we're going to leave you alone now"mom says "let's go honey" mom says while pulling my arm lightly "oh um ok, bye ohm!" I say "bye (y/n)!". Me and mom go into our house, "how do you know him" she asks instantly "we have classes together"i say "its look like you have a crushhhh" she sings "WHAT NO MOM" I say while blushing"well I kinda like him"I say "OH MY GOD MY DAUGHTER HAS A CRUSH" my mom yells happily "shhh mom he might hear "I say quietly "oh sorry Mija" she says. I go up to my room and out of the room,I climb on to bed, get my laptop and go on wattpad. I look out the window and see ohm bringing boxes into the room is his room next to mine, then I see him jump onto his bed, he looks at me so I look away, from the corner of my eye I see him smile. I blush a little, I look at the clock 9:00 pm " I should go to sleep"I mumble to myself, I go take a shower a shower, and when I'm done, I put my clothes on and go to bed, tomorrow is another day

ring ring rin-

I slam my hand on the clock and look out the window and see ohm sleeping without his blindfold on? not gonna lie he's cute in his sleep. i get up and brush my teeth, get dressed, and eat breakfast, then i hear a text on my phone.i look at my phone and see its a text from Evan

Owl boy: hey can we talk?

me: yea sure whats up?

owl boy: do you wanna be my girlfriend?

me: oh um sorry but i can't......

owl boy: why not?

me: well your a really good friend but i just dont feel the same way you feel....

i really feel bad for doing this but....

hes just a friend

hey sorry for posting late, i got really distracted cause i was in a phone call with my friends love y'all❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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