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Previously on "masked love": When I get to lunch I see Evan I sit next to him and then he starts talking "so I see you met ohm" he says " um who's ohm" I say confused "the guy with the bunny outfit with the blindfold over his eyes" he says "oooh so that's his name?" I say surprised "yep" our table gets called to get lunch as we eat I hear Evan call someone "hey ohm come here" he yells "why would you call him here" I whisper to Evan " why you like him" he whispers back. I start blushing "hey Evan" ohm says not gonna lie he has a nice voice "watuuuuuup" Evan says "hello" ohm says to me "oh um h-hello" I say nervously

Why am I nervous

"So Evan where is the gang" ohm asks "gang?" I say confused "oh me and delirious made a gang with Craig and others"he says explaining "oh how come I didn't know?"I say complaining, Evan just stays quite what a friend he is "anyway, I'll see you guys later, bye" he waves "bye" me and Evan say.

(Ohm POV) hehe 😉
I'm not gonna lie (y/n) is really pretty, her
(H/c), her (eye color) eyes, her body, she is just perfect. As I walk down the hallway to my next class I hear my name being called "ohm!" I turn around and see (y/n)? "Oh hey (y/n), what's up" I say "you left this" I see..... my phone? I thought I had it in my pocket oh well "oh thank you (y/n), see you later" I say "bye" she waves, I look at my schedule and are that my next class is world history(social studies) as I walk down the hallway I hear yelling.

Warning: there's about to be a big plot twist so hold on to your potatoes (it might be a little confusing)

(Your POV)
As me and Evan walk down the hallway to 3rd period I feel my hair being pulled and I fall to the ground what the fuck "YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME" I hear and then I start getting punched, I start throwing punches and I hit her nose, she falls back and I get up and see Brianna? Brianna was my old friend but then we got mad at each other and we didn't hang out anymore. She gets up and she throws a punch at me, and I start hitting back this just turned into a fight I push her and she hits the water fountain "YOU TOOK OHM FROM MEE" she starts to charge at me and I get pulled by someone.....but who was it

(Ohm POV) before fight

I walk to class and I hear yelling in the distance "you stole ohm from me" what the fuck is happening I start walking to where the screams were coming from and I see (y/n) fighting Brianna? I have to stop this, I start pushing through the people and I see Brianna charge at (y/n) so I grab her arms and pull her away, then Brianna  fell face first onto the ground. Me and (y/n) start running away from the crowd and the late bell rings "great now we're going to be tardy" (y/n) says "let's go" I say. We get a tardy pass and we go our separate ways, we wave goodbye and the whole situation is over...

(Your POV)

I get to class and give the teacher the pass "why are you late" mrs. Bryant asks "I got into a fight" I go and take a seat.

( time skip)
Finally this boring class is over. I look at my schedule and see that I have gym next ugh great,I get to gym and I see ohm with some friends, I giggle and go into the girls locker room, I change into the gym uniform and go into the gym.

 I look at my schedule and see that I have gym next ugh great,I get to gym and I see ohm with some friends, I giggle and go into the girls locker room, I change into the gym uniform and go into the gym

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Gym room^^^^^

Shoutout to my friend Brianna for letting me use her name is the story. I hope you guys likes this part it took me a while to do this so just enjoy it.love y'all goodbye❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

"Masked love" (ohmwrecker x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now