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Previously on "masked love": As me and Evan walk down the hallway to 3rd period I feel my hair being pulled and I fall to the ground what the fuck "YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME" I hear and then I start getting punched, I start throwing punches and I hit her nose, she falls back and I get up and see Brianna? Brianna was my old friend but then we got mad at each other and we didn't hang out anymore. She gets up and she throws a punch at me, and I start hitting back this just turned into a fight I push her and she hits the water fountain "YOU TOOK OHM FROM MEE" she starts to charge at me and I get pulled by someone.....but who was it

(Your POV)
Once we get to the gym the coach announces that we will have free time (in free time you can do whatever you want) I start walking around and suddenly "(y/n) and Brianna head to the principals office". I get my backpack and go to the principals office, "this is unacceptable" mr.wingman says "she started it" I say "I don't care who started it you shouldn't hit each other" *5 minutes later* "you may go back to class" he says. I go back to gym and suddenly ohm comes up to me "what happened did you get in trouble?" He asks "yea kinda" I giggle, he giggle back "just try not to get in a fight again" he says "hey! I didn't start it!" I say annoyed, he giggles again, "everybody locker room" coach says and everyone starts to run to the locker room. I start changing and when I'm done, the bell rings. I look at my schedule and see that my first period is math, I start walking to class and I see ohm walking in the class another class together? I walk in and take a seat where my name is, I see that ohm sits across the room from me.In the middle of the lesson, I see ohm struggling he looks like something just jumped scared him I giggle, "um miss (l/n) would you like to answer what's on the board" I look at the board and see (2/3 (x^2+4)^(1/2) (x^2-9)^((-2)/3)-x(x^2-9)^(1/3) (x^2+4)^((-1)/2))/(x^2+4) "um I'm good" I say "that's what I thought now pay attention" she says, I roll my eyes at her and start to copy down notes on my paper. The bell rings and I quickly grab my stuff and start heading towards the door "um miss (l/n) pls come here" she says, fuck I walk to her so it's just me and her "why were you staring at ohm?" Wtffff "um why do you wanna know?" I say curious "cause it looks like you have a little crushhh" she says singing "what I don't like him" I say "sureeeee, you may go to class" she says, I quickly get to my next class which was reading, and luckily I don't have this class with ohm. Once that class is over I can go to my 7th period which is language arts, I head to class and I don't have this class with ohm either so that's a good this not really "ugh shut up" I mumble, I take a seat and the teacher starts giving instructions, once she's done we start doing the assignment and I hear a knock at the door,one of my class mates opens the door and I see ohm great he gives a envelope to the teacher and as he walks to the door he winks at me, I start blushing and the teacher calls my name "(y/n) (l/n)" I grab the envelope and open it Evan says to meet him behind the school at 3:45 -ohm "why couldn't he just tell me" I mumble, I put it away and the bell rings. As I go to the back I see Evan "hi Evan" I say "hey I need to talk to you" he says quietly "ok?" I say "so do you have a crush on ohm" he says whispering why is he whispering "um why do you ask" I whisper back "just answer the question!" He says loudly "yes a little" I say not just a little "well watch out cause he can do anything at any time" he says "um wha-" I get cut off by my phone ringing, I answer it and it's my mom " where the hell are you mija? I've been waiting here for so long" mom says "sorry mom I got distracted" I say and hang up " I gotta go" I say in a rush "bye!" He says and I wave back. I get in the car and my mom starts driving "hey we got new neighbors" she says "wait really?" I say curious "yep and we're meeting them today" I get to my home and see a big truck with boxes in it. Me and my mom knock on the door and we hear the door unlock.
You've got to be kidding me.

Oooh cliff hanger I wonder who was at the door ;) of course is you'll have to wait until tomorrow >:) love y'all goodbye❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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