The Catch ; Chapter 38.

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Early July.

Blythe shuffled through her phone, seeing as the internet connection was down. Nothing worked on her phone, except adjusting the settings in which she done countless times. She also finished watching the Telly, for about five hours as well. Sighing tiredly, Blythe adjusted her position on the couch. Checking her messages, she decided to delete all her old messages. Blythe never had the tendency to delete her messages, therefore she had around fifty contact conversations to delete. Surely, this would take five minutes, but being bored as it was, Blythe carefully went through every conversation.

Tapping on Zayn's and her's conversation, she read through it with bated breath. After reading another pointless argument of theirs, she realized that they hadn't contacted eachother in three weeks. Knowing that she wouldn't make any effort in talking to him anymore, she deleted the conversation. Blythe figured that in order to forget, she must ignore. And that's exactly what she continued to do.


"Hey babe!" Perrie's humorous voice filled the air. Zayn took off the headphones upon seeing Perrie's arrival. Gazing at her lightened face, Zayn's mouth twitched in a wry smile.

"How's recording?" Perrie asked, setting down her large bag onto the stool. Zayn shrugged, his eyes averting to the lyric sheet in front of him. "The usual." He replied in a monotone voice. Perrie sighed and pecked his cheek, gently rubbing his shoulder.

"Maybe a little kiss will help?" Perrie suggested, staring lovingly into her boyfriend's eyes. Zayn stayed silent as he bit his bottom lip in uncertainty. Not noticing his silent plea, Perrie shuffled her way in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then, she began to properly snog him, her eyes closed as she was enjoying every second of it. Zayn on the other hand hesitantly placed his hands on Perrie's hips, and he also let her do all the messy work. Also, he hadn't even bothered to close his eyes. One might say that Zayn was tired and exhausted from working so hard. But only he knew that he wasn't enjoying Perrie's company.

Perrie took a step back, her arms unlocking from Zayn's neck. They flew down by her sides, her mouth slightly agape.

"What? What's wrong now, Zayn?" Perrie whined, her voice strong with curiosity. Zayn sighed and rubbed his face wearily.

"Nothing's wrong babe-"

"What? Are my kisses not good enough? Am I not good enough?" Perrie began to argue as Zayn shook his head and tried to interrupt her.

"No, Perrie. No, you're my baby and you know that. I love you, OK? I'm just- I'm just exhausted and I have a headache, it's nothing with you." Zayn began denying everything that he was thinking. Anything to make Perrie happy again, as he wouldn't want to tell her about his recent thoughts of Blythe.

Perrie smiled and closed the gap between them. She snaked her long arms around Zayn's waist, hugging him tightly. Zayn closed his eyes and started to place his chin on her head. Suddenly, his chin was bumped into Perrie's forehead. Zayn's eyes fluttered open. Glancing down at the small collision, he realized something quick. He realized, that Perrie wasn't Blythe. That whenever Zayn did hug Blythe, he'd always put his chin on her head because she was a head shorter than him. Even for himself, Zayn couldn't believe what he just did.


"Wonderful job everyone!" Blythe shouted overtop of the large group of sweaty dancers. "Take five!" She ordered, immediately charging to her bench spot. Opening the bottle of ice-cold water, Blythe began to chug it down unfeminine-like. She didn't have an ounce of care in her body, seeing as all the girls in her class were following her suite. Wiping her forehead with her backhand, Blythe snatched her phone and subtly exited to the hallway. Some peace, quiet, and clean smelling air would do her good.

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