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It takes far longer than he liked, but he reaches the store in one piece.  The sun is bright and he's had more encounters with infected than he'd like.  But he knew this would happen the moment he set foot outside the house. 

After all, infected are more active during the day.  It seems their circadian clock hasn't been reset and like their past-selves, they need to bunker down at night (when there's the least activity from them).  At least that's what he's noticed since the apocalypse began.

Finally, he reaches the store and heads inside quickly.  Despite the higher risk of getting bitten during the day, he's thankful for the sun's light filtering through the windows and broken automated doors.  It helps his eyes focus just a little bit better as he walks through the store.

Eventually, he finds what he's looking for and swallows back the guilt when he finds Eloy's dried blood on the ground.

It was a lot, shit, really a lot.

And he finds it.

A bag resting on the floor where Eloy once stood, a fire extinguisher placed beside it.  He looks surprised, how hadn't he thought of that?

He picks up the bag and shoulders it before walking behind the counter in search of antibiotics and anything for the pain.  He even snatches a bottle of Tylenol for the fever and thinks about the kids before taking some for children along with Benadryl.

As a second thought, he searches for Alexis' name and finds the prescription bag that had been waiting for her for months.

He digs inside and finds what he's looking for.


He pockets them as well.

He shoves the rattling bottles in the bag before going in search of snacks, knowing the kids will adore him for it.  But every step he takes only makes the noise louder, more noticeable.

Fuck, at this rate he'll get caught.

He grabs some chocolate bars and strawberry Twizzlers before leaving.  The fire extinguisher in hand and his gun in the other.

And as predicted, it draws the infected's attention.

Milling zombies follow the noise that lead to him, but Jace knows he needs to get this to Eloy, to the kids.

He runs toward the house, zombies following right after at their own pace.  As if they know they'll catch up to him regardless.  It freaks him out.

He drops the bags around back, slams them against the door to grab someone's attention before running out front, running away from the house, from the door.

His heart is racing as he pulls out his gun.


There are five infected ready to devour him.

He has enough ammo to stun them, but it'll only buy him a few minutes before more come to investigate.

He's grateful for the silencer on his gun, but it does a shit job at what it's supposed to do.

He brings it up, however, and aims.

He'll take his chances.

And he can only watch in surprise when the first zombie falls.

He hasn't even pulled the trigger yet.

When it crumbles, the gap reveals Eloy panting flushed behind the infected with several knifes.  One already sticking out of the zombie's head.

He stares up at Jace before shoving the other knife in another one's eye.

The three remaining zombies stare at both of them listlessly before choosing to attack Eloy.

Jace snaps out of it and aims.

He shoots one in the head without missing a beat, and draws the other two to him.


That's when he uses the fire extiguisher.

The infected groan as the cloud of ice engulfs them and Jace takes the opportunity to run to Eloy, grab him by the waist and hurry back to the house.

James is standing in the entrance, biting his lip anxiously until he sees them.

He's about to shout in excitement when Eloy presses a finger to his lips and James nods, keeping quiet.

Jace can only breathe in relief when they're inside, safe.

They're both panting from exhaustion, their hearts still racing with adrenaline, and relief flooding through their bloodstreams.

"Thanks," Jace pants, looking at Eloy gratefully.

Eloy nods, giving him a small smile before pitching forward.

Jace catches him easily.

"Eloy?  Eloy?"

Eloy is in a state worse than before.  The younger is trembling and soaked, nothing keeps the cold at bay as he burns up.  How?  He was getting better!  The fever wasn't as bad!

Was it because he went outside?


"Mommy made him take a shower.  He was really cold and started crying, but she didn't let him get out," James explains, voice soft as if telling him a secret.

Jace swears he sees red.

"Eloy?  Eloy, wake up," he orders.

Eloy mumbles tiredly, softly whispering, "no."

Jace growls, "Eloy, open your eyes.  Look at me."

Eventually, he coaxes Eloy up. 

Dazed eyes stare up at Jace, squinting at the man tiredly.

"Hey there," Jace smiles, relief flooding him.

"Hi," Eloy rasps weakly.

"Need you to eat," he says gently.

Eloy is about to protest when Jace picks him up and carefully places him on a chair at the kitchen table.

"Stay, I'll get a blanket, some clothes, and then start lunch."

But Eloy knows that's just an excuse to go in search of Alexis first.

"Don't be too harsh on her, I-"

"No," Jace interrupts, "don't worry about her when she doesn't give a shit about you.  She doesn't deserve your concern or pity.  She needs to learn."

Eloy bites his lip before nodding, silently watching the man go.

Had he just come into their lives to ruin them?  Ruin their family?

He shares a look with James.

Had he?

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