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Two weeks pass by when John announces that they're going hunting. It wouldn't have come as such a surprise if it were dark out, but the fact that he insinuates to go out during the day makes Eloy pale at the prospect, especially when the old man's eyes are directed toward Jace. He wants to speak up, to tell him that it's a ludicrous idea. But he holds his tongue when John approaches him.

His hand is heavy when it lands on his shoulder and Eloy swallows back the sudden fear, "You are going to be a great help to the women today.  You'll help in the kitchen and Sean will teach you what to do."

Sean raises his head, soft green eyes flickering to Eloy.

"Isn't that right, boy," John chuckles, clapping Sean on the back as well.

Sean nods even though he stares at Eloy guiltily and he wonders what they'll have him do.

He finds out when Jace and the others are gone. Sean leads him to the back half an hour later when two burly men arrive from the group carrying something heavy, something suspiciously like a male deer. They drop the agonizing animal at their feet and disappear.

It's when Sean pulls out a knife that understanding dawns on Eloy, yet he still asks anyway, "Wha-What are we going to do?"

Sean gives him a pitying look before he grabs the deer and starts skinning it. Martha appears beside Eloy with a small smile as she places a hand on his shoulder and a knife in his hand.

"Well, you're going to be skinning and cleaning it of course."

Eloy's hand trembles and he nearly cuts himself on the first slice. It's worse when he realizes the poor animal is still alive, dark doe eyes staring at him before taking one last shuddering breath and dying.

He looks sick, a green tint coloring his face.

"I know," Sean finally whispers in the comfort of just the two of them and the dead animal.

He sounds resigned and worn-out, tired of this life.

Eloy swallows back the sickness building in the pit of his stomach as he makes another cut, red blood oozing from the lacerations.

"You're the only one who does this?" Eloy asks softly.

Sean nods, "It's a punishment."


"Yeah, for not being good enough. We each contribute to something, this is all I'm good for."

Eloy doesn't like that, doesn't like how unhappy and miserable Sean is, "You're more than that, than this. You shouldn't be treated like-like-"

"Like shit?"

The older of the two cringes.

"With Corp. John, his word is law. Everyone looks up to him, he's the head, the smart one, the strong one. And I... I'm the disappointing son he wishes he never had," Sean shrugs.

Eloy frowns and he reaches with a hand to the boy. Sean flinches at his touch and gives an apologetic look to a startled Eloy.

"Let's just finish," Sean says, "before they get back, before he still sees us here."

And it's as the sun sets that the last of the men return, filing through the door laughing and joking as they recount the zombies they've encountered and the game they caught. Game that is cleaned and kept in a storage freeze powered by the generator the house runs on.

They all sit around the table as dinner is served. Lean venison seasoned and cooked. Eloy looks at Jace who gives him an encouraging smile to dig in. Eloy returns it with a small hesitant smile of his own.

He grabs his fork and knife and cuts into the meat. But at the sight of the medium-rare cut, he gets nauseas. His stomach revolts in protest and he pushes his chair back with a hand clamped over his mouth. Jace is about to follow, but he notices Sean stand from his seat and go.

Eloy barely makes it to the nearest bathroom where he gives up what little he ate throughout the day.

He throws up until he's dry heaving, until his eyes water and his knuckles turn white from how hard he grips the bowl.

He feels a cool hand at the back of his neck, rubbing soothingly.

Eloy looks up through blurry vision, finding Sean giving him a sympathetic smile, "You okay?"

Eloy shakes his head and slumps against the bowl as he breathes harshly. He feels dizzy.

"It sucks," Sean whispers, his eyes glazy as he reminisces on his own experiences.

"God, it does," Eloy rasps weakly.

Sean hands him a cup of water that Eloy uses to rinse his mouth with before he gulps it down.


Eloy shakes his head, God no.

Sean takes a seat on the floor in front of the sick man and Eloy appreciates his presence. It speaks volumes to him and Eloy wishes he could wipe away the sadness in the boy's eyes, on his downturned lips. He wishes he could ask what made him so broken, what hurt him so much.

A soft knock of the door makes them look up and Jace steps inside with worry written on his face. Sean stands and gives Eloy an encouraging smile before nodding at Jace.

Once alone with the door firmly shut, Jace kneels in front of the younger man and cradles him in his arms.

"Are you okay, baby?" He asks in concern, lips pressed to his temple.

"Tired, sick," Eloy mumbles, cheeks flushed, "Sorry."

"Don't apologize," Jace murmurs, "Is it what they made you do today?"

Eloy nods, "God, Jace, it was so disgusting."

"What was it, sweetheart?"

"They... I... I had to skin the deer," Eloy admits with a shudder, stomach revolting.

"Skin it? You mean our-"

"Yes," Eloy breathes, the queasiness coming back, "yeah, that, oh God."

Jace frowns when Eloy lurches forward and throws up again. When he's finished, he flushes the toilet, noticing that Eloy is too drained to do so himself.

Eloy absolutely hates how he feels. A headache blooming rapidly behind his tightly closed eyes.

"Come on," Jace urges gently.

Eloy lets the man lead him to their room, to their bed.

"Do you think you can stomach a bit of food?"

Eloy grimaces, throat aching at the prospect of throwing up any more.

"Without the meat," Jace assures, realizing himself how disgusting it is to eat something that's made his lover so ill.

Eloy hesitates, before choosing to go easy on his stomach, "No.  No thank you."

Jace nods and watches as Eloy lays down, burying his face in the pillow.  He carefully takes a seat beside him on the bed.

"I'm sorry they made you do that, baby," he coos.

"Me too," Eloy sniffles.

Jace runs his fingers through his hair until he falls into an uneasy sleep.

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