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Jace quickly shoves Eloy out of the way in case the man wants to retaliate despite the fact that he wasn't aiming at him, but at the thing, the undead, behind. Eloy's heart is racing, his breathing shallow as he tries to calm down. The man looks like he won't yield, and Eloy fears he'll kill Jace. But eventually the man relents as he lowers his shotgun to the floor and looks at the undead convulsing by his feet. Upon seeing the man lower his weapon, Jace follows by clicking on the safety of his own gun.

"Nice shot you got there," the man, with peppered wiry hair, grunts mildly amused.

Jace nods, his eyes quickly shooting toward Eloy still crumbled on the floor shocked and just a bit terrified. The stranger's eyes follow.

He laughs deeply as he offers Eloy a hand, "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

And Jace wishes he could shove the man away as Eloy reaches out apprehensively and clearly uncomfortable.

"You boys alright?"

"We're fine," Jace answers, adding, "sir," as an afterthought.

"Good to hear," the stranger grins, "Name's John."

"I'm Jace and this is Eloy," Jace supplies, relieved when Eloy stands behind him.

"I'm assuming the beautiful woman and children downstairs are with you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, I got to say that I owe you," John nods toward the unmoving zombie.

"It was nothing," Jace replies.

"Is it just you five?"

A nod.

"We have a safe place nearby," John begins, "as a thank you for essentially saving me from becoming zombie chow, I'd like to invite you and the others."

"A safe place?" Jace wonders.

Eloy tugs at Jace's sleeve discreetly. He doesn't trust the man, doesn't like him. John had pointed a fucking gun to his head and if it weren't for Jace... he doubts they'd be making friendly.

But Jace notices the first rays of sun peeking over the horizon and he knows they need to leave and find somewhere to hunker down, somewhere to hide while the undead start coming back to life. He glances at Eloy before agreeing, immediately noticing the way Eloy's shoulders slump.

"Great," John smiles pleased, "some of my men are waiting outside, the more the better so we can fight back against those motherfuckers."

Jace agrees. Bigger numbers mean a bigger chance of survival. Finally, their luck seems to be turning around.

Jace follows the man with his gun drawn and Eloy follows behind them, quietly and contemplatively. They meet another undead but John shoots it right between the eyes.

Eloy flinches as brain matter splatters in chunks. He almost feels sick, his stomach revolting in queasiness at the sight. However, he swallows back the bile and keeps going.

Jace steals more than one look from Eloy but the younger won't catch his eye.

They don't talk, none of them do, as they catch up to the group of well-armed men guarding the clinic. He spots Alexis and the kids among them with a relieved smile on her face. Survivors. There's more and that means they actually have a chance!

Eloy feels bad that he can't share their excitement or relief.

And he eyes the enormous house wearily when it comes into view.

There are more people, a few women and some children as well.

They introduce themselves but to Eloy it feels like a blur and he can't seem to remember their faces.

A semblance of relief finally washes over him when they're shown to their rooms. Jace gives up bunking with Alexis, his excuse being the children. John understands.

"That's great and all, but we only have one room left," John muses with a sneer, "with only one bed. Guess you'll have to figure out who takes the bed first."

Jace stares at the bare room and the way John says it should've ticked him off first.

"Thank you, sir," Jace says.

"You're welcome son," John smiles, clapping Jace's back.

And just like that, the older man leaves them be with the door closed shut.

It's only then, when he's gone and they're alone, that Eloy slowly takes off any duct tape and constricting clothing, leaving himself bare for Jace to see.

"Hey," the man calls gently.

Eloy turns to him with a small smile that's not quite there, "hey."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Eloy lies, taking a seat on the plush bed.

"You're a terrible liar," Jace notes.

"And you're an ex-cop who was trained to detect when someone is lying," the younger retorts.

Jace rolls his eyes but takes a seat beside him, "Glad we're on the same page, so on that note, I need you to trust me."

Eloy doesn't hesitate to say, "I do trust you," but proceeds to ask confuzzled, "What's wrong?"

"John," Jace answers, "There's something about him and his demeanor... I just... Please trust me and don't go outside of this room, not alone at least."

Eloy tilts his head, but agrees regardless. He doesn't want to leave this room alone either.

"Okay," he whispers, "okay, I won't."

Jace smiles fondly at his lover, caressing his cheek gently, "I-"

Before he can even finish, a raspy high pitched voice shouts, "Breakfast!"

That sound makes Jace shoot up from the bed, startling a foot away as the door is opened.

An older red-head of a woman looks inside and smiles at the pair, "Breakfast, boys. Made pancakes so come get 'em before it's too late."

They smile awkwardly at her before nodding. Eloy's heart still racing, and he wonders why Jace reacted the way he did, why he pulled away as if burned.

Jace opens the door for him and he no longer has time to think.

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