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They don't have sex.

Mostly because Jace is afraid of hurting Eloy, of scaring him after all he's been through so far.  So, he keeps his distance and they keep moving, changing location every few days.  Never staying at the same place twice for fear of running into unwanted visitors.

They survive.

But Eloy hates it.  He hates sleeping alone, hates feeling like he does.  He misses Jace, he misses his warmth and for a moment he thinks that maybe Jace is disgusted with him, with what happened and that makes him feel worse, feel nauseated.

They're in a new house, far from those bad memories and he's sick of feeling how he feels.  He reaches out on an impulse, his small hand wrapping around Jace's veiny wrist.  The man stops what he's doing and looks up at him from his perch.  Eloy looks back with lips pursed before he gathers his courage and simply goes for it, simply crashes their lips together.

Jace catches him as they topple from the couch, Eloy straddling his hips from above as they make out on the dusty floor of a dark living room in a stranger's house.  Their bodies are flushed and their hearts are racing.

"Are you sure?" Jace asks when they part for much needed air.

Eloy tries not to feel weird about his touch, about Jace's hands on his body.  He knows these hands, he loves this man.  He nods, "I'm sure."

Jace smiles, though a worried crease wrinkles his brows.

They go back to before because Jace knows Eloy is uncomfortable no matter how much he's pushing himself, pushing his limits.

Jace doesn't take Eloy's shirt off as much as he wants to, and his hands are strictly on Eloy's hips or on his waist.  Eloy appreciates it so much he could cry, but he rather cry in pleasure on Jace's hard erection.

Jace tears the condom open and rolls it on smoothly, but Eloy is impation and as soon as it's on he slides onto the erect length.  He moans at the feel, at the smooth glide.  Jace feels like the air was punched out of his lungs when that warm heat engulfs him.  But as much as he wants to take control, to flip them over and fuck Eloy until he's a begging mess, he doesn't.  He lets Eloy set the pace, set the rhythm and he carefully thrusts up, matching his movements.

Eloy whimpers, his thighs straining as he rises up and down.  It's feels good, so good.  His lips are parted on a silent moan as he rises above Jace slowly, deeply and swivels his hips just so.  He thinks he's close but he can't, he needs Jace, needs the man to take control.

"Jace," he chokes out.

It's all the permission the man needs to switch their position, to thrust into Eloy hard and deep and fast.  It nearly rips a cry out that Eloy can't stop from escaping.  His whole body trembles with pleasure, and he's close.

He closes his eyes shut as he squeezes around Jace's cock, orgasms in spasms.  Jace rides him through it, cooing at him and rasping about how good his baby boy was, how brave.

Eloy thinks he cries a little, but it's okay, because it's Jace and he'll always trust him.  Always.  Even if he can't bring himself to say those three little words yet.

"You okay, sweetheart?"

Eloy nods a bit numbly, legs feeling sore and like jelly.  Jace almost looks smug with how proud he feels.

He nuzzles the boy's neck and licks away those tears as he holds Eloy just a bit tighter.  He doesn't know what he'd do if he lost his anchor.

Eloy is blissed out for a moment, loving the gentle caresses, the gentle and reverent touch.  But when Jace carefully pulls out, the man curses softly.

"Hm?" Eloy hums, too drunk on his high to properly ask.

"Condom broke, shit, I should've checked it over, it was probably already faulty and I-"

At that Eloy sobers and quickly sits up with panic written on his face, "what?"

Jace looks guilty, though neither knew it was going to happen, "Condom broke."

"What are we going to do?" Eloy asks, that little hitch of worry in his voice making Jace comfort him.

Jace stands up and chucks the condom away before looking outside through the blinds.

"There's still some time before sun up, I can go to the store and-"

"I'll go with you."

There's a protest on Jace's tongue but he nods anyway.  Eloy is smart, he's strong.

They dress quickly and grab a gun or two before sneaking out.

They make it to the convenience store within 15 minutes with little interference.

When they make it inside, they look around.  Jace jumps over the counter and gets what he's been looking for.  Completely bypassing the security cameras, not even noticing what's on the film.

He grabs the little box with something akin to relief as it reads, Plan B.

He finds it ironic in an amusing kind of way.  He looks back, but finds that Eloy is gone.

He walks through the store in search of the younger and finds him in the aisle with rows of pregnancy tests and boxes of convenient condoms.

Jace hands the box to Eloy who takes it.  He looks at it for a moment, contemplating but knowing the inevitable.  They're startled when something from down the aisle rolls and lands by their feet.  The can colliding with Eloy's shoe.

They both look up and find a zombie staring at them seemingly curious as it tilts its head to the side.  They don't have time to react before it charges at them without warning.

It attacks Eloy first, toppling him over and making the box fly out of his hands.  He looks more worried about losing their back up plan than the zombie.  Jace yells at him, telling him it's okay, that they need to leave.

Eloy nods, he scrambles up and flinches when Jace shoots the infected.  The loud booming drawing the attention of more infected.

Suddenly one zombie turns into three.

A litany of curses fall from Jace in a single breath.  Fuck. They're screwed.  But they won't go down without a fight, without trying.

Eloy shoots another zombie, jumping slightly with the recoil.


Jace aims and fires, the giant window pane from the store front shatters with a single bullet.  Jace jumps through the glass, using his shoulder and back to avoid getting any shards into his eyes.  He clears the path for Eloy who follows after, tripping once as they run back to safety.

The 15 minute walk feels long and stretched out, but they make it in 10.

They're panting and flushed and empty handed.

Eloy feels almost miserable, stupid for not handing onto the box just a little tight, for not shoving it in his pocket like-like-

Jace peers at the bright pink box, at the pregnancy test.

Eloy's cheeks color.

Jace doesn't say anything.

He doesn't need to.

"Nothing is set in stone," he assures Eloy, taking the box and shoving it in their bag, "we don't know if you are until you take it, but even then it might be a few weeks before you can."

Eloy nods, and with a red face pulls out another box, condoms.  Jace snorts and takes it too.

"Nothing is set in stone," Eloy repeats teasingly.

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