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The table is long and piled with mountains of warm food, steaming and ready to be devoured.  There are men sitting around the table, children running about, while women serve everyone else but themselves.  Eloy takes a seat across from Jace and next to a younger man, maybe a boy in his teens.  He's shy and timid, his gaze glued to the tabletop as if in shame.

Eloy doesn't dwell on it when his plate is places in front of him.  He takes the fork as they all begin eating.  James and Ella love the syrupy goodness, as does Jace and Alexis.  He, however, finds that he can't really eat.  For some reason he's not hungry.  Jace notices.

All Eloy can do is take a bite before pushing the rest around on his plate.  He's not hungry.

"Everything alright sweetie?" The woman from before asks.

It seems like all chatter dies down as everyone stares at him.  Eloy doesn't do well under pressure or under a lot of stares. 

He takes a gulp of orange juice before nodding, "Everything is delicious.  It all smells amazing and tastes even better, it's just I'm not so hungry and I don't mean any disrespect for your hard work and making it."

"Oh nonsense," she smiles pleased and flattered.

Eloy offers her a weak smile, "I'm sorry, if you don't mind I'll just turn in for a bit, I really am tired."

He carefully piles the remaining of his pancakes onto James' plate and any scrambled eggs he pushes onto Alexis' plate with a small smile.  Alexis nods her thanks as he pushes up from his seat.

"If you don't mind," he turns to Jace, "I'll take the bed for today."

Jace doesn't even answer before Eloy leaves.

He stares after his retreating form in concern.

John clears his throat and Jace realizes he's waiting for what seems like an explanation, one he gives, "we've been traveling all night and he... He has a weak stomach, after seeing... well you know."

John hums in understanding, "the zombie's brain."

The red-headed woman elbows the older man, "we're eating here, no wonder that poor boy isn't hungry."

Quickly chatter resumes after that.

Everyone talks over everyone.  It's almost nice.


Eventually, Martha (the red-headed woman and John's wife), brings out some beer which she poors into the orange juice.

Conversation flows easier.

And it gets John talking, well, preaching.

"Do you know," he begins, "why all of this is going on?"

The question is directed toward Jace who shakes his head solemnly.

"It's because of the freaks!"

The timid boy who sat beside Eloy flinches at the booming exclamation.

"The freaks, sir?"

"Yes," John nods, "God is punishing us!  He is trying to purge our world of the freaks."

"Who are the freaks?" Jace asks, he wishes he hadn't.

"The gays, the motherfuckers looking for attention, the ones who aren't right in the mind!"

Jace's heart seems to stop and leap to his throat as it gets stuck there.

"He is trying to save us from a world were these freaks flaunt themselves and try to corrupt our families!  And we, we, are helping Him."

"How?" Jace asks tightly, hand clenching underneather the table.

"We either turn those motherfuckers straight or they serve a great sacrifice, ain't that right Sean!"

Sean, the timid teen, nods mutely while looking ill as he pushes away his food.

Jace couldn't be more relieved when breakfast is finished.

He thanks Martha for the delicious meal before he goes to his room, goes in search of his Eloy.

He finds the younger man curled up on the bed.

Jace closes the door softly, but Eloy isn't sleeping.

He turns to face Jace with tired eyes.

"Hey," Jace greets.

Eloy wiggles to create some space for his lover, but Jace shakes his head, "I'll sleep on the floor."

"What?" Eloy mutters hoarsely as he sits up a bit.

"You look tired, so I'll sleep on the floor," Jace repeats as he takes a seat beside the bed.

Eloy looks at Jace, his heart breaking.  He wants to ask why.  Instead he throws the blanket and pillow at the man.


"Take it," he mumbles with hurt in his tone, "I already the bed anyway."

Jace scrubs his face with a sigh on his lips.

All he wants is to protect Eloy.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes with a cringe.

"Don't."  Eloy turns to his side, facing the wall and giving Jace his back.

Jace can admit that he deserves it. 

But that doesn't stop him from reaching for Eloy as he whispers softly one last time, "I'm sorry."

Eloy, however, moves away from his touch.  Now it's him who doesn't want to deal with Jace.  He closes his eyes and tries to swallow past the tears building in his eyes.  Tears that still fall and soak the sheets beneath his head.  Fuck him.

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