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Mandy's POV

I wake up to my alarm going off, I throw my hand to the Side trying to turn it off. I hit the button and laid in bed for a few minutes before grabbing my phone and checking the time. "IT'S 7:30AM" I yell jumping out of bed rushing to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and blow dry my hair as quick as possible. I get dressed in my HEB work shirt and put on some black jeans. I run to the door with my keys without doing my makeup that was much needed. I drop my keys and run to my makeup in my room on my desk and start doing it. I do my eyebrows and do a Smokey eye then put eyeliner on with highlighter after that. I put on my mascara on then run back to the door. I grab my keys that were laying on my rug when I dropped them. I run out the door lock it then run to my car. "I NEED TO STOP BEING LATE" I yell you myself driving off to HEB.

*𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡*

I get to HEB and run in and clock in then run to my locker in the back. I put my bag in it then run to the restock room. I grab the HEB orange juice since I'm supposed to be restocking it. I start walking to the aisle the orange juice is in. I get there and open the box that was extremely heavy. I start restocking, I turn to my side and see three boys talking. One has what looks like short brown curly hair in a beanie then one has brown hair put to the side. It looks like he might be emo Because of the way it's styled. The last one has bright sky blue hair. He looks at me and I quickly look away and continue restocking the orange juice. I see out of the corner of my eye the blue haired boy running up to me. "HEB ORANGE JUICE!!" He yells running up to me grabbing the one I just put up. He then hugs it. "He's so weird" I think to my self. As he walks away I turn "Hey!" I yelled to him. "Uh yes?" He says turning around walking back over to me as the two other boys follow behind him. "I like your hair" I said looking up to him since he is taller than me because I'm short asf. "Thanks! I like your name" he looks at my name tag "Mandy" he continues then walks away smiling. "Wow he's kinda cute" I say to myself starting to restock again. The boys were still in the aisle since they were still looking. I see my boss walk past them and towards me. I see the blue haired boy turn around as she walks to me. "Hi Mandy" she says looking like something was up. "Hey boss" I say. "Well Mandy I'm sorry but I'm tiring you" she said. I felt my heart drop. A bunch of questions filled my head.

"How will I pay rent?"

"How will I get food with no money?"

"Why" I ask her. I saw the blue haired boy standing behind her. He looked like he felt bad for me. "Well Mandy you have been late everyday this week" she said. "Your right I have" I say looking down. "Go get your stuff in the locker room and come to my office so I can give you your last check after your done restocking okay?" She said. "Ok" I said holding back the tears that wanted to start pouring out. She walked away and the blue haired boy was still there. He then walks up to me trying to finish restocking as fast as I can. "Hey I'm Awsten by the way I forgot to tell you my name" he said laughing. I giggled a little still sad that I got fired. "I like your name too" I said smiling. "Haha thanks!" He said grabbing one more bottle of orange juice then turning around. Before he started walking he turned back around to me so looked over at him. "Think of this as this door closed but another door will open up to a better opportunity" he said smiling. "Wow he's so adorable" I say in my head. "Thank you Awsten your very inspirational" I say smiling. As I was saying that I hear a song come on over the speakers but it's kinda quiet.

"HEY! Tell me what you want me to sayyyy, you know I'm stupid for youuuu"

Awsten looks up then looks back down and smiles. "Whoever sings this song better hit me up so we can do a collaboration" I say trying to be funny. Awsten giggles "here's my number hit me up some time before this month ends and mabye we can make a collab" he said laughing. "Wait what" I said very confused while grabbing the card he hands me. "I'm the lead singer of a band called waterparks" he said smiling. "You are?!? How come I've never heard of you guys? I listen to all those emo type bands" I said in shock. "We're kinda new" he said scratching the back of his neck with a awkward smile. "Oh wow" I said still in shock "can I get a photo with you and the other guys then just one with you?" I asked awkwardly. "Of course" he says turning around "well Geoff is only here Otto left to go to the car" he said waving the emo looking boy down that I assumed was Geoff. "Okay that's totally fine" I said smiling like a freak. Another one of they're songs came one.

"At least it's all about youuuu, I think the blondes are done with fun!"

He smiles again and I pull out my phone as Geoff gets over to us. "Hi I'm Geoff" he said shyly. He seemed very awkward and shy but he also seemed like such a sweetheart. I got my phone and Geoff took it from me and held it up since I was in the middle of him and Awsten. Geoff was to the left of me and Awsten was to the right of me. Awsten and Geoff both wrapped they're arms around me. Awsten and Geoff smiled at the same time. I felt my cheeks heating up. I smiled to get the picture. Geoff took it then they both took they're arms off me and gave me my phone back. "I love it so much" i said looking back up at Awsten "wow I really wanna dye my hair" I said to myself.... oh so I thought. "Haha you should" Awsten said smiling. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked. "Yeah" he said laughing. "Fuck" I said looking down. "Why is it a bad thing" he asked me. "I was admiring your hair and basically admitted to it" I said. I'm so stupid I literally just actually admitted to it. "You just admitted to it" he said smiling and laughing his ass off. "Ughhh" I said face palming. I realized I was done restocking the HEB orange juice. "Oh my god I need to go get my stuff in the locker room and pick up my check" I said panicking. I get easily frustrated with myself if I don't do something in a certain amount of time and then start panicking because i was in a really bad relationship where I got pushed around to the point where it affected me a lot. It still does as you can see. "Woah woah woah what's wrong" Awsten said putting both his hands on both my shoulders. "I gotta go but I'll text you when I get home" I said rushing to the locker room.

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