Chapter 2 : Sweet Anna

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A/N : It's been quite a while and I deeply enjoy writing this story for it has this dark yet soul full vibe. For now, it's going to be the young, innocent Brahms but y'all know what happens right if you watch the movie. Next chapter will be the last of his youthful life and we're going to have a small time jump. This story is rated M and y'all will know why soon enough. Do leave some reviews. Enjoy Love,  Diana


Days goes on wonderfully and Brahms and nothing could make his day any words. Give it a tease, mockery, bullies, nothing could ever compare to the day he spent with Anna. It turns out that Liliana White is a new transfer student from America and rather than befriend some other people, she chose to be close to Brahms. 

He was happy that Anna would be glad to get close to her and Anna was unknown to the fact that only three people he actually allowed to get close to him. His parents and her. His sweet Anna.

Sometimes they would go to the park right near to his house and they would play all the time. They would push each other on swing, play treasure hunt, and Brahms would actually spend his time reading Anna some stories that he had brought with him Brahms would actually spend hours just to look for the perfect book that could entertain her. Stories with princess and happily ever after ending is her favorite and there would be a time where she would sneak into her room when his mother and father were busy with work.

Apparently Anna is living with her grandmother so the old woman wouldn't notice her disappearance, not because she didn't care but she was too old to notice, according to Anna. Sometimes, she would sleep on his lap and Brahms would stare at her all night. 

He would observe her thick lashes and fine nose, breathing slowly while sleeping, her pink cheeks and cherry lips that would be slightly open as she asleep. She was absolutely beautiful especially when her hair swept by the gentle wind, blowing from the open window.

One day, while Anna was lying next to him in his bed, she asked him, "Brahms, why do you have a big house?" Brahms nod his shoulder, "I don't know."

"Why do you have a big room?" She continued.

"I don't know."

"Why do you have so many toys?"

"I don't know."

It seems that his answers really do annoyed her so she sat and frown at him, "Is that all you know? You don't know? You are so confusing?"

Brahms smiled and sat back up looking at her, "No, but I do know one thing though."

"What's that?"

He said with a faint blush on his cheeks. "I like you, Anna."

Anna lowered her eyes and sighed, "I know. I like you to."

Brahms eyes was wide and he says, " me?"

Anna lay back down on his bed and says, "Uh huh. I like you, I like your mommy and daddy because they always give me nice sweets and candy, I like granny because she makes the nicest casserole and I li_". Brahms hit the bed so hard Anna stunt especially when he raised his voice. "Not that kind of like! I mean, uh, like LIKE!"

Anna snorted and get off the bed. She quickly went to the corner and cross her arms while staring at him in anger. Brahms tilted his head, frowning. "Why are you mad?"

"You made me scared! You scream at me." As she was angry, her tears slowly pour from her eyes and it broke Brahms little 8-year-old heart. Brahms went to her slowly and as he steps closer, "I'm sorry, Anna. I didn't mean to. Don't cry!"

Anna continued crying and Brahms didn't know what to do. Then, he saw his life like human boy doll that his parents bought for him last year. He quickly ran across the room and retrieve the doll for Anna. Brahms ran toward the crying Anna and hand her the doll. Anna took a peek from her hand that was covering her tear soaked face.

"What's that?" She asked.

"What's that?" She asked

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"It's Brahms. My mother bought it for me when I was six last years. I want you to have it. Please don't cry." He pleaded gently with a sorrowful look in his eyes.

Anna end up giggling even when a tear pours from her eyes. "Why did you name it Brahms. I thought your name Brahms?"

Brahms smiled when he sees she lit up. "I don't have many friend. No one wants to be my friend because I'm weird. So when I have this doll, I name him Brahms so that i don't feel so alone anymore. Then I have you"

He was quiet for a second and continued, "Only you, Anna. You're the only real friend I have. Please don't be angry at me." Still holding the doll towards her, Anna took it and hug it. "Don't say that Brahms. I am your best friend. I will always be your best, best friend, forever. I promise that I won't be angry at you anymore. But you must not shout at me again, alright? I'm scared." She pouted.

Brahms nodded, "I promise. I didn't mean to." Anna nodded, "I forgive you, Brahms."

They both walk towards the bed and sat on it. He asked her again, "What do you want to name him? He is yours now." Anna frowned, "I don't want to change it. I love Brahms and I want this doll name stay that way."

He smiled as he nodded to her. Then, his expression turns into a sad one "Will you be by my side forever, Anna. I don't want to be alone again. I'm scared." Anna put the doll down and hugged Brahms tightly, "I promise, Brahms. I will never leave you. You are my best friend. Love you so much."

He nodded but Anna didn't know that there was tears that pool in his eyes. He feels at peace, taking in the warm honeysuckle scent from the shampoo she used. Brahms wished that time would just stay still and she would be by his side forever. Having her by his side was more than enough and he would give away all the dolls that he had just so she would stay.

If only it was all it takes to avoid the tragedy that will haunt them soon.

If only it was all it takes to avoid the tragedy that will haunt them soon

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