Chapter 22: Ever after?

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A/N: Finally, I did it. I finish this stories. It wasn't easy and Brahms will always hold a special place in my heart. Just like how they tried to make my Daenerys a villain, Brahms will never be that to me (though he literally is in the movie but who cares. Lol😂). He was a troubled boy and perhaps, if he had the help he need, his fate might be a bit different. We all deserve all the chances that we have. So sorry for the late update and I apologized for not being punctual like what I've said but i'll do better. I promise and your thoughts on this will aid me in the future to come. Thanks and enjoy my last farewell to Brahms and Anna. Lots of Love, Diana.


"Where are we going?"

Brahms eyes was covered with a black cloth and he was sitting next to Malcolm on the passenger sit. He was driving and a grinned carved his face seeing how tensed the giant is next to him. Brahms was in his favorite grey cardigan and a tank top, looking big and rough but somehow scared sitting in the moving car.

His hand was gripping the above handle and the edge of his sit. He was breathing hard and seem very anxious. Despite looking scared and nervous, he still looks intimidating with his huge body taking such a huge space in Malcolm's old Jaguar.

"Relax mate. Anna has something planned for you so chill. We'll be there in a sec. Calm down."

It's been twice since Brahms has been in the car. The first time was when he was looking for Anna with him. Apparently, Brahms don't care about his surroundings or care about where he is when he's angry but now that his emotion is stable, he is more aware of his surroundings.

Being trapped in the house for years and only able to walk to nearby homes is the only freedom he had. Malcolm may not like the guy with the fact his crush adores him, he can't help but feel an ounce of sympathy for the little kid who never gets to experience a happy and free childhood.

After dropping of Anna with some decorations earlier, Malcolm was entrusted with picking up Brahms who was skeptical with his intention at first. Though he still is now, the moment Malcolm mentions Anna, Brahms was quick on his feet to be wherever she was. Man, he was an obsessed lad.

"Tell me where the fuck we are going now before I put my hands around your neck, Malcolm!" Brahms gritted from his teeth. Even when overcame with fear Brahms was able to make his threat sounds real. Malcolm just laughed it off.

"Now, now, Brahmsy. Doing that will not make Anna like you very much. You got to be patient. We're almost there."

Brahms snorted, "She'll forget about you eventually. I'm not worried."

"Sure, sure." Malcolm rolled his eyes.

After what seems to be few minutes, Malcolm's car came to a halt.

"Alright, we're here!" He announced delightfully.

"I want to see, now. Where's Anna?" Brahms says impatiently.

"Not yet. I have to bring you to where she is first. Then, you can take off your blindfold, okay?"

"What if I don't want too?" Brahms says with anger laced his tone and his fingers already touching the edge of the blindfold.

"Then you will make Anna sad. I'm sure that's the last thing you want to do right?"

Brahms body froze and he sighed in annoyance. Malcolm smirked.

"Sure you don't. Let's go, lover boy."

Malcolm wanted to hold his arms but Brahms didn't feel like having him holding him like baby so he ends up holding the back of his collar with small force just to scare Malcolm (which works perfectly seeing how big Brahms biceps are) and follow Malcolm to where Anna was.

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