Chapter 11 : Truth, me

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Days passed after her horrifying incident in the house. She was grateful that Malcolm was able to visit her every day and other than bringing her groceries, he was kind enough to lend an ear to listen to her troubles. After the incident, everything was fine again and Anna was glad that she wasn't being attack anymore.

For now, that is and she wondered whether it stopped due to Malcolm visiting her. Anna did felt disappointed though because Cole never came since the last visit. Perhaps he was busy, she doesn't know. Better left things at that then.

On the other hand, Malcolm as a companion was a fresh air for her. Though he couldn't stay for too long, the time that they had was great. Nevertheless, Anna wasn't blind to what Malcolm felt for her. A week was clear enough to know that he always compliments her, ask whether she was single and how long she was here.

Anna shook her head on the kitchen table, smiling while holding a mug thinking about how Malcolm came yesterday and brought her a bouquet of white roses and even ask her out for a dinner next week since this week he had some delivery he had to go by. Anna was surprised. Didn't think he had that in him seeing how shy he always was and stuttered a bit every time they walk together near the garden behind the mansion. Seems like short distance among them makes him pretty nervous. Thinking of that brought a small chuckle out of her.

Anna eyes wanders towards Brahms doll, sitting directly on her left side, staring at her. Anna would be lying if she is fine with the doll after what happen weeks ago. Now that everything was okay, she became more comfortable hanging around with the doll. She smiles and bent towards the doll, staring directly at its lifeless white porcelain face.

"What do you think, Brahms? Should I go to that date with Malcolm? He seems like a nice guy does he?"

Brahms the doll stays quiet and Anna rest her back on the chair. She sighed.

"I need to get out more. More like get a boyfriend, I think. Look at me again, talking to a doll who I swore tried scared the shit out of me. Damn."

One thing he noticed about Anna was she likes to talk to herself. He chuckled softly seeing her having her lunch. Seeing her do makes him hungry as well. Now he had to wait for her to leave the kitchen just for a few seconds to eat the food she had left for the doll. Despite what he had done to her in which he realized was a shameful thing to do because as much as he was angry at Anna, for her to be hurt, bleed and even cry in fear was not what he wishes for her. In fact, it goes against everything he had planned for her.

Seeing how Malcolm constantly came to visit him. He had warned Malcolm but the man won't quit. He still come to her and act as if he belongs there. Brahms hates it but seeing how Malcolm also successfully cheered her after her ordeal, he decided to stay calm and control his temper more. Something he understand he has been lacking of.

After what she has gone through, he decided to punish himself for it. Meals after meals was left for the doll which was intended for him, he decided not to take the food, one of the reason why Anna wasn't too suspicious of the house. For almost a week, he decided to starve himself and drank only water to at least survive. Now that Anna's wound has healed, Brahms decided that it was time to break his fast, as weird as it sounds. It didn't matter though for he knows that he deserves it. That's the only thing he could think of since his mother used to that to him when she caught him crushing a bird in his fist.

Back then, after the accident, his mother would punish him not eating and locked him one of the secret rooms within the walls for a day. Somehow the act of killing itself scares his mother very much and in doing so would make her reminisce of the day he killed the monster who terrorized Anna. What he had forgot to tell her was the damn bird was already hurt and its feet was broken with its body had a deep scratch on it after the neighbor's cat became too playful.

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