Chapter 20 : Finally

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A/N: Well, I said I was going to be done in a week but guess what, I actually have some extra time so here it is. Vote and let me know what you think, yeah? Love Diana.


Brahms was sitting in the car wearing a hoodie to hide his face from anyone walking by. He was at the parking lot of Heelshire Police department when Malcolm steps out of the building and heading towards him. He was looking from left to right, making sure no one followed him to the car. If anyone were to know Brahms was there, it would be chaos.

As soon as he enters the car, Malcolm turns to Brahms with concern masking his face.

"The police say that they will try to find her as soon as they can. Bunch of patrol car is already looking for her. B..Brahms, I'm not sure if there's anything we can do. I..."

"No!" Brahms yelled and pulled Malcolm's collar. He was fuming with anger, breathing hard at Malcolm face.

"Don't you dare give up on her! The police will do nothing! They did that before, what makes you think they will save her now?" Brahms gritted through his teeth.

The thought of Anna taken away terrifies him. The same fear that once fall on him when Anna was stolen by Darbins returns and his hand was in a fist, gripping tightly, wanting to destroy something so badly. Preferably, his son who had stolen Anna.

"I will kill that bastard! I will rip him apart!" He growls.

"I know, I know. But we're still not sure where he had taken her! His house is empty. What can we do?"

Brahms lets him go and look in front. He starts thinking to himself where the bastard son could've taken her and all he can think about is fire.

That's when it clicked. The old house in the woods where she was taken before.

"I think I know where she is."


"Are you mad? We can't just go in here alone. Cole went training in the army years ago. He can kill us, alright? We should've call the police to help."

"No, if you call them, I can't be here and save her. You stay here and make sure no one is around. Make sure if he is alone or working with anyone."

Brahms says, staring at the burnt house which is now have holes on the wall and burnt marks marking it.

Even in the horrifying fire, the old house still stands strong despite looking all banged up. Both of them was near a large tree looking up to the house.

Brahms could feel Anna's here and he grip his hand in a fist. Boiled with anger knowing Anna has to go through the same ordeal again. He remembered how he had seen Cole and knew he was up to no good. The only reason why he never messes with him for too long was when Cole stop visiting Anna. Now that he came back and probably as fucked up as his father, gutted him.

Anna must be terrified and sad. Brahms breath hard and walks toward the house. Now, it's time to end this once and for all. He swore to himself that now, he will destroy whatever danger that seems to be a threat to their relationship. He grinned thinking about how he was going to make Cole bleed.


Anna told herself that if she is still sane at that moment, she was pretty sure that it wouldn't last long seeing how she now lied down on the bed wearing a wedding gown and have messy make up painted on her face.

Not only Cole actually ogled her body for a few minutes when she was half naked, he actually brought a red lipstick, small eyebrow palette, blusher and a mascara with him. She didn't remember how he had applied it on her. She noticed the makeup utensils earlier placed on the table at the edge of the room.

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