Chapter 7 : The Stranger

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It was late in the evening when Anna was in a tool shop where she is buying some bulbs for some of the room in the house. As she waits for the worker to look for what she wants, she just stares around the old shops which was filled with all kinds of materials like screw cabinets, woods on the side, pipes, hoses, you named it. It was packed. About two to three people was there checking out things while three teenagers who wore school uniforms was staring at her, smirking with a gleam in their eyes.

Anna rolled her eyes and lean her backs on the counter. Maybe it's the way her sweater actually fits her skin perfectly like a glove or the looseness of her sweat pants but also accentuate her ass that makes them look. Nevertheless, the way they actually stare at her with a grin bothers her. The last time a person looks that way at her, causes her to go through hell and she has scars on her back to prove it.

Sure they look as young as her, maybe the same age even but they were taller and bigger, clearly able to hurt her or some sort.

Anna sighed, she knows it was in the past. Why her thoughts went there, she has no clue and she knows she was just tired and her imagination got the best of her. When the worker came and prepare the item she needs, he puts them in a paper bag and thank Anna. Anna paid for her things and quickly walked out the store, passing the three boys.

As Anna walks down the sidewalk, she turns to see the boy was walking behind her and won't stop snickering about her so she walks faster. The day was getting dark and Anna was starting to get nervous. Her car which she borrowed from Abigail wasn't far from here. Since her car was the only one left at the parking lot nearby, she cursed herself for ever coming there that late.

When Anna did arrive at her car, she quickly grabs open the back door and throw the filled paper bag inside. She was about to open the driver's door but it was slammed back and she felt hard, tall chest flattened hers. She looked up and her eyes was staring at a pair of green eyes that gleam with arrogance. The other two surrounds her. She froze.

"You're new here. What's your name, beautiful?" The one in front of her asking.

Anna kept quiet. Her body went cold.

"Come on. We just want to be friend with you. You're really gorgeous looking." The one next to her says and about to grip her arm. Anna pushed him roughly as she breathes hard.

"Don't touch me, please. Don't you nice boys got to go home by now? It's late and I just want to leave." Anna spoke but her voice quivers as the fear that once flooded her slowly seeping in.

"Got a beautiful voice though, right guys. Makes you want to hear more and how does it sound like in a higher tune." The one in front of her spoke. His chest was pushing hers hard and Anna felt like her heart was about to burst out from her chest, and not in a romantic or good way. The boy or rather, man in front of her was huge with a slightly rounded belly and he definitely seems like the bullying kind.

"Please let me go. I just want to go home." Anna cried and when she turns towards the door, the boy next to her pulled her hand roughly until she cried in pain.

"Not yet, sweetie. You see, Adam here has a fucking bad day. Detention kind of put his mood sour and pretty thing like you can help to brighten him up. Asses like you make all things better, right Adam?"

The guy name Adam grinned towards Anna and his hands curled around her hips. Anna panicked and pushed them as hard as she could. The boys retaliate by pressing their grip hard causing her to groan in pain. When the one on her right was about to raise his hand to hit her, Anna quickly closes her eyes, awaiting the blow but it never came.

She hears a clicking sound.

She opens her eyes and saw the three boys that corners her was moving further away and they were shivering. Anna turn to see a man, standing in front of him in a grey jeans and a tank top that tightens on his clearly broad muscle.

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