Part 1

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Sasha Lee's point of view

"Mom I will get the money I promise",I say lowly watching as she coughed continuously. I watched in sadness and hated myself for not being able to provide enough money for my mother's medication. Ever since my father died things have been hard. I had to drop out of school at 17 and start working and hustling to get money to feed my mother and sister.

Luckily I got hired by a rich family to be their personal driver. I don't earn much but it pays some of the bills. My mother's medication was really expensive but I knew that by month end I'll be able to purchase them for her.

Once she stopped my sister Laila and I tugged her into the blankets. I sighed watching how helpless she looked in the bed, she was closing her eyes and drifting off into a deep sleep. I went outside to get some fresh air. My mind was driving me crazy. How am I going to come up with the money before my actual salary?

My name is Sasha Lee,I'm 23 years old and I am a lesbian. Yes a lesbian. I love women on a serious level. I just love the way the handle themselves,their feminity, everything about them makes my insides jump. I blew out a deep breath as I pulled out a smoke I lit it up with my lighter and inhaled before exhaling. You could also label me a trans.

Life isn't fair. Life never was fair. I thought about what I went through to help raise my family,the jobs and errands I had to run. There were times where I felt like giving up but just the mere sight of them made me pick myself up and continue working.

"She'll be fine",I hear my sisters voice from behind me. I chuckle bluntly knowing too well that she won't until she gets her meds. I sighed turning around to face her. My sister and I looked alike but she was younger than me and she was still in highschool. I was the one responsible for paying her tuition fees and all. She was bright and dreamed of being a doctor. I believed in her dream and I was going to help her accomplish it.

I might not have finished school but I would definitely love my sister to finish school. I wanted her to reach heights that I couldn't. I wanted to provide for her what I was not given. I just wanted the best for my sister. I pulled her close hugging her as she placed her head on my chest. I fought back tears but I refused to cry.

I'm strong.

I will pull through.

"Take care of her for me",I say before she nods. My sister was light,dark brown hair and brown eyes. I however was brown skin, grey eyes and I had short black hair. My father had grey eyes and he was white. My mother was however black so I'm a result of their intimacy. So is Laila.

I walked towards my boss Mr Thompsons car. It was a black Range Rover velar. He had to have at least four in his garage as well as other cars. I had asked for a few hours off to see my family and check up on them.

I fixed my black suit before stepping in. My wardrobe was full of black suits because that's basically what I wear all the time on duty. I wasn't complaining because I look good in them. I had a lean body but I was also mascular. I worked out 5 times a week in my room before heading out to start my day.

I drove back to the mansion with a lot on my mind. Once I arrived I parked the vehicle in the front because Mrs Thompson had told me to do so. Once I did, I stepped out waiting for her. After a while she came out looking expensive as usual. Everything she wore was obviously expensive and she did look great in her clothes. She was on the phone smiling like a kid given candy.

"Yes. Don't worry your father is not home but I'm coming my darling",she walked towards the car and I immediately opened the door for her. I nodded at her as she entered. I close the door and made my way to the front.

"Airport",she said before getting back to her call.

I nodded and began the journey. The Thompson's had a daughter,her name was Vanessa,the last time I saw her was over a year ago,she had come over to celebrate her birthday with her parents. She always did. I guess that's the reason why she's coming back.

I pulled up to the airport and drove to where Mr Thompson's private jet was. I quickly got out to open the door for Mrs Thompson and closed it right after. Immediately, Vanessa screamed as she hurried down the steps to jump on her mother.
I watched their reunion,it made me smile inwardly. After they finished greeting each other they made their way towards the vehicle,I opened it instantly.

"Welcome back Miss Thompson",I say politely. She looks at me and freezes. I was confused.

"Did you leave anything ma'am?", I ask. Did she leave any of her valuables?

"No, thank you",her voice was soft. I nod as she enters the car. I quickly make my way to the front seat and begin the journey home. During the journey I could feel the burning glances of Miss Thompson through the mirror. Her mother and her were discussing some things but I could tell that her attention was divided.

Vanessa is an extremely attractive young lady. She was light brown,her hair was almost the same with her skin colour but just a deeper shade of brown,her skin was flawless,she was not small neither was she fat but she was in between,she had flesh in all the places a woman would want to have so that added onto her beauty. I didn't know much about her personality because I was just an employee trying to raise money for my family. Nothing more, nothing less.

I drove to the entrance of the mansion and got out to open the door for them. Miss Thompson stepped out and glanced at me before waiting for her mother. They made their way indoors and I shut the door. My phone buzzed and it was my reminder to pick up Mr Thompson from work. I took off to his building.

Mr Thompson was a big man. By big I mean he had a huge belly but he still would get women to flock over him. He had affairs outside of his marriage,I was well aware of that and he knew it too. He informed me not to tell his wife and I didn't. It really wasn't any of my business. Shit no one is perfect. Everyone has their flaws.

I informed him that his daughter had arrived and his eyes sparkled, he talked about how he missed her and the things he wants to buy and do for her. I smile slightly but my heart was aching. Sometimes I wish I was born in a privileged family like this. The money that the Thompson's consider change is money that can change my life.

Once we arrived I opened the door for him and walked him inside whilst carrying his briefcase. There were loud voices in the lounge as I give the help his briefcase. I went down the corridor to the room that was allocated to me and shut the door.

I sighed loosening my tie and throwing it aside. I dropped on the bed and groaned out loud. I was tired. Tired of life. Tired of everything. I wanted to break free out of this bubble that I'm in. I wanted to be happy for once. I wanted to be able to provide for my family. I made some money that went to my family but I kept some of it because I am currently on my second week on testosterone.

I am a lesbian at the moment but I consider myself transgender. I know for a fact that I'll find some joy when I change my gender,which is a long process but is really worth it. I stripped out of my clothes and remained in my underclothes. I placed the dirty clothes in my grey washing basket and once again dropped on my bed. I didn't feel cold so I didn't ender the duvet.

I closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

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