Part 4

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Vanessa's point of view

After I kissed my mother goodbye I went to the kitchen to look for Mira. She wasn't in so I decided to go to her quarters. She was seated reading a cook book and I smiled knocking. She looked up and returned the smile waving me in, I stepped in and sat next to her on the bed.

"Mira. I need your help"

She places the book down and looks at me attentively,"yes dear?"

"Tell me about Sasha"

She softened her look and looked at me knowingly,"why do you want to know about her?"

"I'm just curious. Tell me, please", I really was so desperate to get to know Sasha. Maybe Mira knows about her.

"Well Sasha is 23 years old. She has a sibling named Laila who is still in highschool. She is a lesbian stud-"

"What's a lesbian stud",I cut her. I knew that there were lesbians but I didn't know that there were categories. I was curious now. I had never been with a girl before in a relationship manner.

"A lesbian stud is a masculine lesbian. Those ones that are the men in the relationship. There are two types of studs: touch me and touch me not"

I digested this information. How the hell did Mira know all about this? At her age? I nodded my head motioning for her to go on.

"A touch me not does not want to get fucked during sex. A touch me wants to get fucked during sex",she explained. I giggled because an old woman like her still used the word fuck.

"But why would a touch me not not want to get fucked. How do they experience their pleasure?"

"Well personally I think a lot of lesbians that consider themselves transgender fall under this category and use the strap ons that stimulates their spot however those that dont I'm not quite sure. I'm not a lesbian. I only knew the first part because of Sasha"

"Sasha is trans?",I ask shocked. I didn't know.

"Yes she is. She is on her second week of testosterone"

I definitely didn't expect that. I mean she was masculine,I just didn't think she was going to change her gender and all. Mira told me all she could about Sasha before she had nothing to say. For some reason It felt really interesting talking about Sasha.

My phone rang and it was Samantha,my best friend who flew in New York with me to celebrate my birthday in a few days. I answered the call and walked out to discuss the preparations. She later on came over to the mansion to see me. She came with Samuel, my ex.

Samuel was 24, he was a tall, bulky and mascular man. He and I dated back in highschool till we broke up because I found him cheating with one of my close friends. He begged for another chance and forgiveness, I gave him forgiveness but not another chance because I thought, once a cheater, always a cheater.

"It's been really long",he says as we were seated in the lounge sipping on some wine. Samantha had got up to use the bathroom.

"Yeah. How are you pulling through?",I ask.

"Not quite well. I miss you Vanessa,I miss you a lot. I made a mistake back in highschool,I was immature and a self centered bastard back then but I've changed I promise.",he pleaded. He sounded really convincing and if I was the Vanessa back in highschool I would have thought twice about it and maybe considered taking him back but I refused.

"I'm sorry Samuel. You had your chance and you blew it"

He sighed holding his forehead," please Vanessa. I could even marry you if that's what you want me to do to prove to you that I love you"

I laughed a bit,"marriage? Really?",was he that serious about taking me back? It was silent as he looked at me with pleading eyes. My once a cheater always a cheater phrase crumbled as I thought about giving him a shot.

"Ok, Samuel. Last chance"

His eyes sparkled like a child,"really?"

I smiled,"yes"

He hugged me tight and laughed in joy in my neck. Did I make the right decision? What felt so wrong? I wasn't happy. Samantha entered the room and found us hugging and she smirked.

"Thank goodness, finally. He was about to die",we all laughed at her statement and she sat back down as we caught up with a few things. We ordered pizza too and it was now late afternoon. I was walking them to the car they came in and it was Samuels car; white Land Rover discovery. Samuels parents were also as financially successful as mine that's why he got privileges.

Samuel came to stand in front of me and smiled,"what do you say we go out for dinner tomorrow"

"That'd be great"

"So 7?"

"Definitely",he gave me a kiss on my lips and I kissed back. I felt no emotion in this but I went along with it. Samantha hooted the car making us pull back.

"Hey! Get a room!",we laughed and went into his car before driving off.

I turned on my heels and got back into the mansion. I went up to my room and video called my mother and my father before taking a nice cold shower. When I stepped out I felt really fresh, I changed into my pijamas and read a book.

There was a knock at my door and it was Mira,"darling food is ready. You parents are already at the table"

I nodded placing a marker on the page I was reading and placed it aside. I slipped on my shoes and made my way down the stairs. Just as I was about to make my way to the table I saw Sasha making her way into the kitchen and my steps faultered before coming to a stop. I didn't think she saw me.

I couldn't fight the urge of walking into the kitchen. I found her warming up her food in the microwave,her back was facing me. I could see her back muscles and they twitched everytime she moved. I felt my body respond to her general movements.

She was whistling again and she turned around. She stopped and froze for a while before relaxing.

"Miss Thompson. I didn't see you there"

"Vanessa to you and I saw you, and wanted to check up on you"

She raised her right eyebrow,"check up on me?"

"Yes. How did your day go?"

"It was good. How was yours?"

"Tiring,my friend and boyfriend came over to help me prepare for my birthday"

"Boyfriend?",she looked taken aback. She looked at me with her possessive grey eyes for confirmation. They made me want to say no but I just nodded my head. She raised both of her eyebrows and stared at the counter in silence for a few seconds.

What was she thinking?

Her eyes flashed with something I couldn't tell before she shrugged her shoulders,"oh well. Good for you",she says bluntly, getting a juice from the fridge.

"Aren't you going to ask for his name?"

"Why would I ask for his name? He isn't any of my business is he?"

It felt like slap in the face and I rolled my eyes,"ok Sasha whatever",I turn to make my way to the exit of the kitchen but I freeze when she calls me. I turn to face her.

"Do you really like him?",she asks me,her grey eyes making my legs weak,her posture also added onto the fire. Something about her aura made me feel weird,weirdly good but scared at the same time. I knew I liked Samuel,I just didn't love him. I hoped to grow in love with him.


She  chuckled,"ok sure",she turned her back heading to the microwave and I walked out to the dinner table to join my parents where we talked about how our day went.

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