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"MOMMY!" a voice shouts in London's face. She slowly opens her eyes to see the chocolate brown eyes of her daughter Madison staring at her. She raises an eyebrow in question causing Madison to giggle. "Playground!"

"Are the others awake?" London groans, turning her head to see the time. 9:27.

"Yeah, Aunt Sydney wants to go out for breakfast," Madison tells her while playing with the ends of her mom's hair.

"Alright, let me get dressed and we'll go," London mumbles, lightly pushing her daughter off of her. Madison hops down from the bed and runs out the room. Sighing, London changes into a pair of leggings and a random sweatshirt. She brushes through her long brown locks before throwing it into a messy bun. She brushes her teeth and heads downstairs, not bothering with makeup.

"Hey, did Madison tell you the plan?" Paris asks while shrugging her coat on. London nods before throwing on her shoes. Madison comes running into her legs causing her to giggle. London makes sure her daughter's all set before picking her up and walking outside. Ava is leading the group with Paris a little bit behind her. Sean is half asleep in Sydney's arms so it's pretty easy to get him into his car seat. They're taking two separate cars again because they don't know how big the playground set is. Paris gets Ava into the seat next to Sean with no struggle before hopping into the passenger seat. London gets Madison into the passenger seat of her truck. The only reason why London bought the truck was for when they had to move big things other than that she doesn't really drive it.

"We're going to the little cafe that's like three blocks away," Sydney tells London before getting into the drivers seat of her car and heading out. The drive was quick and they got seated relatively fast. They order what they want and then wait. "Do we even know where to find a playground set?"

"Uh, no," London responds. "We can try like a Walmart and worse case scenario we can go to a hardware store and build one ourselves."

"Absolutely not." Paris shuts the idea down quickly. "I want my daughter to live to see eight years old, okay?"

"Oh come on. It can't be that hard," London scoffs.

"You know what? We'll go to a hardware store first and you can find everything we need and we'll build it. You have to test everything out first though," Paris smirks, holding her hand out towards London. London doesn't back down and shakes Paris' hand.

"Why?" Sydney groans, smacking her forehead.

"Why not?" London retorts. Sydney chooses to ignore her in favor of the food that was placed in front of her. They eat relatively quickly because the kids are bouncing off of the walls. They are so excited to get the supplies and a playground set. Paris pays for the bill much to the annoyance of the other two before heading out. The hardware set is the next block over so London takes the car there with the others. They leave Sydney's car at the cafe to make things easier. The kids rush inside the store with their mothers yelling for them to slow down.

"Alright, I sent you guys a link to what we need so split up and make sure no kid is in danger," Sydney instructs, unlocking her phone. The others follow suit before dragging their kids in different directions. London pulls Madison towards a random aisle. She directs Madison towards certain screws and helps her pick out a bunch of different ones.

"What the fuck is a mortorq?" She mumbles when she's on the other side of the aisle from Madison.

"It's a screw. It's right there," She hears a male voice cut in. She looks up to be met with bright blue eyes. "Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop."

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