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"London, this was the stupidest idea you've come up with," Sydney groans, throwing a wood plank onto the ground. It was the next day and the women decided it was time to make the playground set. Although they had a whole plan written out, they were struggling. "Can we call Zach and have him and his bandmates help us?"

"Absolutely not," Paris is quick to respond, her eyes never leaving the paper in her hands.

"Why?" London sighs, sitting on the grass and pulling her knees up to her chest.

"Because we don't need his help," Paris answers before looking over to the kids to make sure they were okay. They were practicing softball/baseball.

"Fine, I'm gonna go get some water," London stands and walks into the house. She gets into the kitchen and instead of getting water, she unplugs Paris' phone from the charger. She unlocks her phone and finds Zach's contact. Pressing it, she holds the phone to her ear while watching to make sure Paris isn't paying attention to her.

"Kidnapper?" Zach answers smoothly.

"Close, it's London," She greets, opening the fridge to get a water. She needed the excuse to seem real.

"Oh, hi London, what can I do for you?" Zach asks, confused.

"So you know how we're building our own playground set instead of buying one? Yeah, we have no idea what we're doing and I was wondering if you and a couple of your bandmates could help us?" London questions while biting the inside of her lip nervously. There's a brief moment of silence on the other line.

"Uh yeah, I can get Jonah and Daniel to come with me," He mumbles to himself. "Can our kids come?"

"Of course, don't be stupid," London replies with a roll of her eyes. "How many kids?"

"Uh my two and then Jonah and Daniel each have a kid. A boy and a girl," Zach answers. London can hear shuffling and Zach quietly telling the other two the plan. "We'll be there in 15?"

"Sounds good, the kids are playing baseball/softball outside," London tells him before hanging up. She plugs Paris' phone back in before rushing outside.

"What took you so long?" Paris asks, still reading Sydney's sloppy handwriting.

"I had to pee," London lies, throwing herself onto the ground. "Do you know what we're doing?"

"Nope, but we'll get there eventually I think," Paris mumbles while sorting through the papers. Sydney had given up and was throwing the ball around with the kids. Getting up, London heads over to Sydney and the kids.

"Did you call?" Sydney questions, throwing the ball to Madison.

"Yup, they're on their way with their kids," London replies, watching her daughter run around and laugh.

"Who's coming?" Sydney asks, turning her head to look at the other woman.

"Uh Jonah and Daniel and their kids, a boy and a girl. That's all of the information I got from Zach," London answers, ducking when the ball comes a little too close for comfort. "Which one of you did that?"

"Sean!" Ava and Madison point to the boy who's eyes widen. London jokingly narrows her eyes and runs towards Sean. The boy tries running away but London catches him, throwing him up in the air. Sean laughs madly as London tickles him playfully. The sound of the doorbell can be heard from outside. Paris shoots her head up, confused while Sydney and London share a scared look.

"I'll get it!" London shouts, letting go of Sean and sprinting into the house, ignoring Paris' questions. She pulls the door open, Brooke immediately hugging her tightly. "Hi, thank you so much for helping. I'm London by the way and Paris kind of doesn't know I asked you guys to come so..."

Zach Herron's Kids: KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now