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"London, hurry up!" Paris exclaims while tying Ava's sneakers. They had just moved to Los Angeles a few days before and have yet to go grocery shopping. It's gonna be a difficult task to go shopping with three kids but they've done it before. London rounds the corner with Madison in her arms. Sydney was next to Paris, holding her son Sean's hand. "Let's go."

"You're such a mom," London grumbles before pausing her movements. "Oh wait you are."

"Yeah so are you," Paris rolls her eyes while placing Ava on her hip. She makes sure she has her purse and keys before following the other four out of the door. They decided to take two cars because they don't know how much groceries they were gonna buy. Sydney buckles Sean into the back of her car next to Madison. "We'll meet you there."

"Sounds good, feels good," Sydney chirps before getting into the drivers seat with London getting into the passenger seat. Paris turns and opens the passenger door of her minivan while not letting go of Ava. She's quick to buckle her in before hopping into the drivers seat.

*time skip to the store*

"Mommy, can we get gushers?" Madison's sweet voice asks London. London looks into her daughters eyes and just knows she can't say no. She nods slowly and grabs the box from the shelf, passing it to her daughter. The grin on Madison's face makes it worth it, London decides.

"NO YOU BRAT LET IT GO," A woman's voice shrieks from the end of the aisle. The three women look over to see a lady with a son and daughter. The boy was crying his eyes out and the girl looked pissed. Well as pissed as a seven year old could look. The blonde lady was yelling at the boy who seemed to have put a lollipop in the cart without her permission.

"Hey, stop it! it's just a lollipop," The girl yells at the older woman, attempting to push her away from her brother. The woman doesn't budge just grabs the girls arm and pushes her away. Paris looked away from Ava for two seconds to grab a box of granola bars so she was shocked that she couldn't find her when she turned back around.

"AVA?" Paris shouts quietly, looking around the aisle. She spots the brunette walking towards the angry woman and her eyes widen. She notices Sydney closer to the end with Sean. "SYDNEY!" She points to her daughter once she gets Sydney's attention.

"Here," Ava reaches up towards the boy in the cart, placing a lollipop into his hands. He quiets down and hides the candy in his pocket so the blonde doesn't notice. Sydney rushes over to Ava and picks her up sending both the little girl and boy a quick smile before walking away. She rushes the girl over to Paris.

"Ava, what were you thinking?" Paris questions while taking her from Sydney.

"I just wanted him to be happy," Ava responds, her brown eyes shining. Paris sighs before tucking a piece of hair behind Ava's ear.

"You're pretty great, you know that?" Paris mumbles with a small smile. Ava nods her head with a grin causing Paris to laugh. "Just check in with me first okay?"

"Yes, sorry mommy," Ava replies as Paris lets her down.

"It's alright babygirl," Paris smiles gently while beginning to push the cart, Ava by her side. "Let's go check out and then head home."

"Paris, you guys ready to go?" London questions, pushing Madison in the cart. Sydney slides up next to London with Sean in the cart. Paris nods once and they go checkout. That woman and her two kids were a little bit behind them, still being very loud. Sydney, London and Paris all sent the kids sympathetic glances. They would hate being stuck with that woman. The group of six head out to the parking lot, stopping by Sydney's car first.

"Los Angeles is scary," London mutters, watching the blonde again. The boy was still crying but not as loud as before. The girl looked about ready to hit the woman.

Zach Herron's Kids: KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now