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"Who's apart of this family dinner?" London asks Daniel as they turn down the street. Madison and Jason were in the back, chatting happily while Daniel was giving London very shitty directions.

"Uh it's really just all the why don't we boys and their families. So there's Corbyn and Christina with their daughter Elizabeth. And then there's Jack and Gabbie with their son Ryan," Daniel explains as London pulls into the correct driveway. "Don't worry I'll introduce you to them."

"Good because I don't know anything," London giggles, stepping out of the car. She opens the back to help Madison down while Daniel does the same with Jason. Zach and Jonah's car both pull up behind her as London slams the door shut. Suddenly a curly headed man comes running out of the house.

"KIDNAPPER!" He yells, running straight over to Paris. She looks up unamused but that doesn't deter him. "Look, my wife and I are looking for some alone time so is there anyway you could kidnap my kid?"

"I thought you were supposed to be charming?" She deadpans, pointing straight to the man. He laughs and shakes his head.

"Nah, that's Zach," He grins. "I'm Jack, welcome to my home."

"Paris and this is Ava. That's London and Madison and the other one is Sydney and her son Sean," She introduces the six. Jack nods before motioning for them to follow him inside. Sydney and Jonah step in first with their kids then London, Daniel and their kids. Paris and Zach are the last to step inside. Lucas is on Zach's hip while the girls were in front of the adults.

"Girls, do you want to go meet my daughter, Elizabeth," A blonde man asks. Paris goes to protest but Ava has already walked away with Madison, Brooke and Tiffany by her side.

"He just stole my kid," Paris pouts in shock. Zach looks over and laughs.

"Here, have one of mine," He hands Lucas over to Paris who happily takes the boy. She bounces him on her hip lightly and lets Zach lead her to the kitchen.

"Hi Paris," Lucas cutely says causing Paris to grin at him.

"Hi Lucas," She replies while fixing his hair slightly. Paris looks up and sees two other women in the kitchen. She recognizes them from when she dropped Brooke and Lucas off. "Hey, I'm Paris."

"Hey, I'm Gabbie and this is Christina," The curly headed woman responds with a gentle smile. "Welcome to my home and I'm sorry for anything Jack says."

"Yeah he already asked me to kidnap your kid so you can have some alone time," Paris giggles causing Gabbie to roll her eyes. "Oh that's London and Sydney."

"Oh wow your names like match," Christina grins.

"Surprisingly you're the first to point it out," London replies causing the other two to laugh. "The boys are a little slow."

"You're telling us, we've been stuck with them since we were teenagers," Gabbie rolls her eyes with a slight laugh causing the other girls to join in. Zach and Daniel were in the kitchen but weren't paying attention until they started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Daniel asks cluelessly causing the girls to laugh even harder. The boys look at them curiously. "Why do I feel as though this involves us somehow?"

"It does," Lucas responds with an adorable smile. All eyes turn to the boy still in Paris' arms who waves slightly. Zach walks over so he's next to Paris, staring down at his son.

"Why are they laughing bud?" Zach questions while leaning slightly onto Paris who is still giggling.

"They were talking about how slow you are," Lucas replies causing Paris to fake gasp.

"Traitor," She gasps which makes Lucas giggle uncontrollably.

"Hey we're not slow!" Daniel exclaims, a frown overtaking his face.

"Really? Then what's my name?" London retorts with a shit eating grin.

"London," He responds with furrowed brows.

"And what are their names?" She asks, pointing to Paris and Sydney.

"Sydney and Paris," He says, still not catching on.

"Do you see a common theme in our names?" London replies, struggling to hold in her laughter.

"No?" Daniel answers like a question before really thinking it through. "OH THEY'RE LIKE CAPITALS OR SOMETHING!"

"Finally," The three girls chorus before breaking out into laughter again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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