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"On a scale of 1-10 how mad is your dad gonna be?" Paris asks as they're waiting in the McDonald's drive thru. She was just getting McFlurrys for them.

"Do you want the truth?" Brooke questions from behind her.

"Not really but tell me anyways," Paris responds with a shrug.

"10000," Lucas mumbles while looking out the window. Paris sighs before pulling up to the window. She gets the three McFlurrys and passes them out before continuing to the recording studio. Zach has yet to call her back so Paris is more scared if possible. Pulling into the recording studio, she sees a police car parked across the lot. Cursing herself in seven different languages, Paris gets out of the car and opens the back door.

"Hey, can I leave you here for two seconds? I want to explain what happened to your father and I'm nervous he might attempt to get me arrested," Paris requests nicely.

"Yeah, we'll watch out," Brooke agrees, gesturing to her and Ava. They seemed to have become very close in the short amount of time they've spent together. Paris gives Ava the keys and reminds her to lock the doors before shutting the back door. She begins the short walk to the front door, trying to psych herself up along the way. When she steps into the building it's utter chaos. There's shouting and police officers and Paris feels like absolute shit for causing this. A tall brunette with a strong jaw line walks up to her with a friendly smile.

"Hi, can I help you?" He asks while blocking her view of the chaos.

"Yeah, I'm looking for Zach Herron?" Paris hesitantly responds.

"What's your name?" He asks confused.

"Paris Meyers, I think I can help with his kids being kidnapped," She replies, cursing herself for saying that.

"Oh great! Well, I'm Jonah, Corbyn's the blonde, Jack has curly hair, Daniel's the one with blue eyes and the other one is Zach," He points each boy out. Paris nods before making her way over to Zach.

"Zach?" She taps his shoulder. He spins around, annoyed.

"Yes?" He grumbles.

"I'm Paris Meyers, I have your kids," She says. And just like that the room quiets. Suddenly, the blond bimbo comes running over to Zach and grips his arm tightly.

"That's her! she stole them Zachy!" She screeches. Paris winces before holding her hands up.

"I have an explanation I swear, they're in my car. They're fine, I fed them and just let me explain," She pleads when she takes notice of the angry look on Zach's face.

"Let me see my kids," He growls. Paris' eyes widen and she nods her head before turning and leaving the building. Everyone follows her out to her car where she knocks three times on Ava's window. She hears her door unlock and pulls open the side where Lucas is seated. She picks him up and helps Brooke out with Ava joining her on her other side. She walks over to the group, cautiously. When Brooke sees her dad she runs full force into his arms.

"Daddy! I made a new friend her name is Ava!" Brooke exclaims with a smile. Zach lets out a breath of relief, crushing Brooke into a huge hug. Paris lets Lucas down in front of Zach and he pulls him into the hug as well.

"Oh thank god, you're okay," He sighs, not wanting to let go of the two. Brooke struggles out of his grip and grabs Ava's hand, wanting to introduce her to everyone. Zach stands up, pulling Lucas up with him and onto his hip. Paris notices two other women talk to both Brooke and Ava. She sees the one with curly hair grow angry at Brooke's words while the other tries to calm her down.

"Arrest her Officer," The bimbo yells, pointing over to Paris. The officer nods before approaching Paris who holds her hands up in surrender. She knew this was gonna happen.

Zach Herron's Kids: KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now