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"HI PARIS!" they hear a voice yell from the house across the street. Paris, London, Sydney and their kids were in their front lawn, drawing with chalk and riding bikes. Paris looks up at the sound of her name to see Brooke Herron waving at her. She's quick to stand up, knowing what the woman across the street is notorious for. Rushing over she crouches down, bringing Brooke into a tight hug.

"Hi sweetheart, what are you doing over here?" Paris asks while fixing Brooke's baby hairs.

"Barbra's our new nanny," She grumbles with a pout. Seems like Brooke absolutely does not approve. Paris didn't either. Barbra was a 48 year old women addicted to sex and cocaine. Her house is no environment for kids.

"Does your dad hate you or something? Barbra? really?" Paris laughs causing the little girl to join in."Alright well I guess I have no choice but to kidnap you and your brother again. Speaking of, where is little Lucas?"

"Inside, Barbras trying to get him to color something for her but it isn't really going to plan," She trails off, looking back towards the small house.

"Alright, well let's go tell the others the plan and then we will rescue you and your baby brother," Paris instructs before picking the girl up into her arms. She walks back over to Sydney and London who send her questioning looks.

"I'm kidnapping the Herron's again, I'll be back in a few," She turns and ignores the other women's protests, walking straight towards Barbra's house. She sets Brooke down once they're in front of the door. She rings the doorbell and almost immediately the door opens to reveal an annoyed Barbra.

"Oh Brooke! I've been looking everywhere for you! why don't you go color with your brother!" Barbra exclaims tiredly. Brooke goes to move but Paris stops her.

"Actually Barbra, I was wondering if Brooke and Lucas could come over and play with the kids! Ava just adores Brooke and Sean and Lucas are best friends. Plus if I take them off of your hands you can take a nap or something," Paris tries to sell it as much as possible.

"May I speak with you privately?" Barbra asks, ignoring Paris' question. Paris nods and motions for Brooke to go into the house against her better judgement. "Look I've been trying to get a piece of Zach Herron since he was 18 and this is my best chance at getting to him."

"Oh of course, No problem it was just a suggestion," Paris fake shrugs. "If you change your mind let me know."

"Will do thanks Paris," Barbra says before slamming the door shut. Paris curses under her breath before turning and walking down the steps. Instead of going back to her home she goes to the side of Barbra's. She looks through the window to see the kids alone. Frowning, she looks in the next room's window to see Barbra shooting Heroin in her arm. Wide eyed, Paris rushes back to the window where the Herron's kids are. She quietly slide the window up catching the attention of the two. They rush over, looking freaked out.

"I thought we were gonna be stuck here," Brooke whispers causing Paris to send her a gentle smile.

"Never. I'll always be here to save you," Paris replies quietly. "Now come on, we gotta sneak you out."

"Okay," The kids chorus. Brooke helps Lucas up and Paris is quick to grab him and bring him down to the ground. She turns around and helps Brooke down with no difficulties. She picks Lucas up and places him on her hip. Grabbing Brooke's hand, she leads the two to her house. As they pass Barbra's room, she notices the woman passed out on the bed. Crinkling her nose in disgust, Paris hurries to her house and makes sure both Herron kids are out of Barbra's sight. The kids along with Sydney and London had come inside and we waiting for the other three. Brooke, Madison and Ava run off to Madison's room while Sean and Lucas go to Sean's.

Zach Herron's Kids: KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now