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"I really don't want to do this. We don't even know what we're doing," London pouts as she puts down the last bag of their supplies in the backyard.

"London, this was your idea!" Sydney exclaims while trying to find directions online.

"Yeah but no one ever listens to my ideas!" She retorts, her pout deepening.

"What if we convince the kids to go to the park and we can actually figure out what we're doing and start tomorrow?" Paris suggests knowing damn well London wasn't gonna do anything with this attitude. The other two quickly agree and they rush into the house.

"Babes! we're gonna go to the park!" London yells earning cheers from the three kids. They run around the corner with their shoes and jackets on. It wasn't really cold out but the air had a slight chill to it. London goes to her room to grab a blanket to sit on while Sydney packs snacks for everyone. Paris grabs some pens and notebooks and throws them in her purse. They meet back up in a matter of seconds, slightly out of breath.

"You guys need to work out," Ava says causing Sean and Madison to giggle loudly. The women roll their eyes before opening the door and motioning their kids out. They all pile into Paris' minivan. Ava and Madison sit in the way back while Sean and Sydney sit in the middle. London hops into the passenger seat leaving Paris to be the driver. They pull out and make the short trek to the park. Before Paris can park the car, the kids are jumping out of their seats and trying to tug the doors open. Sydney struggles to stop the three but manages long enough for Paris to park.

"BE CAREFUL!" London shouts, watching the three kids run to the playground. "Sydney, go with them."

"Okay, give me the blanket," Sydney replies, holding her hand out. London throws the blanket towards her before going to the trunk with Paris. The duo grab the basket of food and their purses before shutting and locking the car.

"You would think we don't do anything fun with them," Paris murmurs as she walks in step with London towards their kids.

"Hopefully this playground set will solve that problem," London replies, throwing the basket down on the blanket next to Sydney.

"Probably not, our kids don't like us," Sydney jokes while grabbing a notebook and pen. London and Paris follow suit. Paris looks up instructions on her phone and the three begin to write down a plan for the playground set. They make sure to keep an eye on the kids the entire time. Suddenly, Ava and Madison come running over with Brooke by their side. Paris places her pen down in the notebook before looking up at the three girls with a smile.

"Mommy, we need to kidnap Brooke and Lucas again," Ava states as if it's life or death. Paris furrows her brows as London and Sydney laugh.

"Um, why?" Paris hesitantly asks. She's not really sure she wants to know the answer.

"Because our new nanny is trying to become our new mom! She's trying to make Lucas and I call her mommy so she can date our dad!" Brooke exclaims, looking disgusted at the thought of the woman being her mother. Paris looks behind the three to see a younger girl with Lucas. It looks like the woman was trying to train Lucas like a dog.

"Okay, yeah that's bad," Paris trails off, pointing at the bizarre scene. "Gimme a second."

"Thank you Paris," Brooke says while Paris stands up. Paris just ruffles Brooke's hair before walking over to her minivan. She pulls her phone out and scrolls through her recent calls till she gets to Zach's number. She hasn't saved it but she probably should. Holding the phone up, she waits.

"Kidnapper! What can I do for ya?" Zach's voice sounds through the device. Paris sighs and debates the pros and cons of hanging up on him.

"Speaking of kidnapping Brooke has come to me and requested I kidnap her and Lucas again," Paris giggles slightly at her words.

Zach Herron's Kids: KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now