Chapter 3: Awakening

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Of all the monuments in town, St. Verina Academy was the landmark residents took more pride in above any other. The magnificent academy, located in the northernmost region, was one of the most prestigious private high schools in the nation. While not always a private educational facility, it became so after decades of increasingly successful evaluations, as well as the establishment of numerous exclusive clubs and college preparatory courses. 

Along with a renowned faculty of teachers, the school had evolved into a highly attractive destination for many students outside of the area. However, the academy yet remained accessible to the locals, who had personally invested in the institute throughout the years.

St. Verina Academy stood atop a hill that overlooked most of the town. Distanced fifteen minutes from central downtown, it was in a quieter area, although there were several small businesses and restaurants within the vicinity. There was a road that extended up the hill on which cars could take to access the school's single parking lot, which is located on the back end. 

The front of the school was at the dead end of another roadway, typically accessed by crossing a bridge over the ravine alongside the lower road. At the entrance of the school beyond the steel gates lied an open plaza with several small trees, light poles, and wooden benches along the inner walls of the fence. The academy itself was a large, mansion-like facility, beige and maroon in color. It was one building split into three distinct sections with one being on the right, another on the left, and one centrally located.

On Monday morning, the first day of the fall semester began. The skies were gray and a cold chill filled the air as the weather reverted back to its typical dreary, overcast state. Numerous crowds of students walked towards the academy on the flood plain above the ravine. Most were on foot, while some were dropped off or traveled by bike. Just below the upper road, a somewhat weary Dawn hurried across the street. She was dressed in uniform- wearing a red vest over a white dress shirt, along with a solid black blazer and red skirt. 

Dawn nodded and waved at the driver of a car who had stopped and allowed her to proceed. After taking the stairs up to the flood plain, she headed straight down the path to the academy. She was able to relax and slow herself once she saw the school in the distance ahead. As continued down the pathway toward the academy, Dawn gazed at the dense forest that lied beyond the field to her right. Oblivious to her immediate surroundings, Dawn abruptly hit the ground, tripping on the heel another student's boot.

Once again, she found herself on all fours. This time making a concerted effort to keep her short skirt down. "Ow," uttered Dawn. She quickly sprung up and adjusted one of her black stockings. "I'm sorry."

The male student turned around. He had curly taper fade and wore a single diamond earring in his left ear. "You don't gotta apologize," he said, holding out his hand. "That was my bad."

"It's okay!" said Dawn. She shook the boy's hand.

"I'm Trey. What's your name cutie? I don't think I've seen you here before."

Dawn's cheeks immediately reddened as she pulled her hand back over the back of her head and looked toward the ground. "Oh, it's, um...Dawn."

"Dawn. I like that," he said. "So what do you-"Just then the academy bell rang, signaling the start of early morning classes.

"Crap, is it seven-thirty already?" asked Dawn, to which Trey nodded. "Sorry, I'm running late. Bye!"

Dawn ran off in a hurry to class, rushing through the throngs of students approaching the gates. When she reached the courtyard of the academy moments later, it was emptying as many of the students began to make their way indoors. She thanked a male student who held the door open for her as she walked into the west building. Once inside, Dawn took her printed class schedule out of her bag and managed to identify the location of her first period classroom, nearly sprinting up a flight of stairs to get there. 

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