Chapter 28: Our World

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Four months had passed by following the last ordeal in Death City. Since that night, the disappearances in Verina had stopped and life in the small, rural town returned to a normal that had not existed in years. Spring had once again arrived, and with it, came beautiful, bright, sunny weather. The heavy fog and dark clouds that seemed to eternally hover overhead dissipated. And, for the moment, the same was true for the malevolent creatures of the forest, whose spirits were quelled.

The month of May was now drawing to a close and a warm, vibrant energy filled the air. Schools in the area were holding graduation ceremonies and celebrations. Crowds rushed the shopping district as households prepared for the summer months and festivities ahead. An influx of visitors passed through the town for the fishing season bringing an air of openness and new faces. But for Dawn, the changes felt bittersweet in many ways.

As she prepared to leave the house late Thursday morning, she thought back on the year in perspective. After the long period of turmoil and chaos upon her arrival, her return to a normal school life after the crisis simply felt strange. Friends like Josie, Zach, Trey and Bria went about their days discussing the usual topics. Romances, classes, jobs. Dawn was happy to see them move on, but at the same time, it felt trivial after what she had experienced just months prior.

Price temporarily suspended V.A.S.E. activities for the remainder of the school year. Since then, Dawn's interaction with her club teammates often amounted to a simple wave as they passed each other in the halls. Even her lover, Rain, the once mysterious prince of Death City, returned to school in the role of the playboy, heartthrob. And, with no recollection of anything between them, Sky was a stranger to Dawn again. It hurt her to be so distant with him, but she felt it necessary for the sake of their relationship.

Yes, things were the way they should be. And while Dawn was as happy as ever being with Rain living a life as an ordinary high school student, the days sometimes just felt lonely. Nonetheless, the school year had gone by. She was ready to move forward, regardless of what happened in the past, or what the future held.

Looking into the mirror of her vanity, Dawn gathered her hair into a long ponytail and tied a red ribbon, knotting it into place. Dressed in a sky blue, shoulder-less blouse and white shorts, she skipped down the stairs where she was met by her father, who had been reading a newspaper at the kitchen table.

"You going out today?" asked Rick.

Dawn nodded. "I'm going to school for a bit. To say bye to some friends for the summer."

"I thought school was out already. Wasn't graduation for the seniors yesterday?"

"Yeah. The campus is open today for the grads to pick up their diplomas and some clubs, so I'm planning to meet Rain there too."

"Got it." Rick placed the newspaper down and scratched his head. "Listen, do you need a ride there? If not, you should at least bring the pepper spray."

She smiled and rolled her eyes. Ever since the incident last year while he was away, which Dawn feigned as a burglary attempt, Rick had been especially overprotective of her.

"No, Dad, I'll be fine. Just try to relax. I'll see you later when I get back."

Leaving the house, Dawn walked the lively streets of the town, greeting neighbors and locals along the way. It was one of the most beautiful days she had seen, to the point that she was kicking herself for not bringing her camera. Taking her regular route to school above the flood plain, she saw numerous students in casual clothing proudly wearing their graduation caps. One more year and that would be her, she thought. Though her summer was only beginning, she already felt eager to tackle her last year in high school.

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