Chapter 7: TEOTWAWKI

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"The taste of a human's soul. The terror gradually building in their eyes. The sounds of anguish and pain. All as they are overcome with realization of their impending demise."

A man with ghostly pale skin and fiery red hair to match his eyes, akin to two setting suns, laid back on a black leather sofa. It was a spacious, dark room, with the only lights being those from outside which glimmered through the large window panes. He wore a silky red dress shirt with nothing underneath it. The man then crossed his long legs and slowly dragged his finger from his chest down to his groin.

"Oh, there's nothing like it," he continued.

"You're sick Axel," said Elizabeth, shaking her head in disgust. She had been sitting across from him on another sofa in the room, wearing only a black bath robe.

"I know." He tilted his head to the left and sensually licked his upper lip.

"One of these days I swear I am going to kill you," said Elizabeth. She dug her long nails deep into firm cushion. The cold gaze of her violet eyes pierced his like a sword.

"Oh?" Axel downed a shot glass of liquor on the table at his knees, then chuckled after placing it back down. "I look forward to it."

"Get a room you two," said Nicholas. He had been quietly sitting beside Elizabeth holding a local newspaper up to his face. "I'm trying to read this."

Suddenly an enormous door opened in the distance at the end of the wide hallway. A gleam of light from the full moon outside shone in on the room, revealing the immaculate, white marble floor. Entering the mansion was none other than Rain, who silently walked toward the group, his hands hidden in his pockets and face wearing a blank expression. As he approached them, Axel, Elizabeth, and Nicholas immediately ceased their discussions and stood up to greet him.

"Sit," ordered Rain, to which they obeyed, each returning to their previous positions. Rain walked behind the couch on which Axel was sitting and stood over him for a moment, prompting Axel to turn around.

"Evening Master Rain," said Axel. "How was your—"

Without warning, Rain swung the back of his hand against Axel's face forcefully knocking him backward. The sound echoed throughout the room. A grin surface upon the face of Elizabeth, which she quickly tried to hide, while Nicholas simply shook his head. Axel slowly lifted himself back up as Rain lowered his hand. His eyes, however, remained locked on Axel's now reddened face.

"We. Are. Not. Monsters." Rain glared down at Axel.

"Forgive me, Master." Axel held his head down. "This won't happen again."

"Look at me," Rain demanded. "You need to learn self-control. I don't like having to do this, but you aren't giving me any choice."

"Shall I get the restraints, Master?" asked Elizabeth, already standing up from her seat.

"No," said Rain. "He's not an animal, Liz. Axel is our brother. He simply made a mistake." Rain looked back down at him. "But he will be staying in the chamber tonight. Rules are rules. Take him away, Nicholas."

"Yes Master," said Nicholas.

Nicholas walked around the table and grabbed Axel's right arm, pulling him up to his feet. Axel shook off Nicholas' grasp as he proceeded down the dark hallway ahead. Nicholas followed right behind him, while Rain and Elizabeth watched them exit the room. Rain let out a sigh and went back into the main hall of the mansion, from which he entered. As he passed by through the dual staircases, an extremely low and husky voice called out to him from above.

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