Chapter 16: Lines Crossed

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Sky wasted no time in retaliating, as the hooded individuals closed in on Dawn and himself. He quickly extended his arm out in front of Dawn, guiding her safely behind him, and against the fence. Stepping forward, Sky then pulled out both of his pistols, aiming each one at the shorter robed figures standing to his left and right.

But in unexpected gesture, they removed their hoods and revealed their faces. To his left stood a young, teenage girl with golden blonde hair and red eyes. On his right was a boy, around the same age, also golden blonde with similar deep set, red eyes. They were pale as ghosts and wore the same mischievous grin. The third person, then revealed his identity, to which they immediately recognized as Rain's friend, Nicholas.

"You..." said Sky.

"Well, well. This is a surprise," said Nicholas.

Dawn was fixated on them, unable to shake a certain feeling. She thought to herself that these three must be espers as well. Physical traits aside, there was no mistaking it. The aura surrounding them was almost identical to Rain's. As Nicholas approached, Sky pointed the gun in his face.

"Come any closer and you die," he warned.

Nicholas chuckled. "Hear that, you two? He is going to kill us with those scary guns of his if we come any closer."

The girl covered her mouth as she giggled. "You're fuuuny. I like you!"

"It's no joke," said Sky. "Trust me. Or don't."

"Get a load of this jerk..." said the blonde boy.

"That's enough. My name is Nicholas," he said.

"I don't care. Back up."

"Can I just kill this guy already!?" snapped the boy.

"Heeey no fair!" exclaimed the girl. "You got to eat last week. I'm hungry too!"

Sky looked back at Dawn as they shared a moment of utter bewilderment at what they were witnessing. Nicholas peered over to see Dawn behind Sky, desperately clinging to him.

"Settle down guys," said Nicholas, to the bickering boy and girl. He then turned back to Dawn and Sky. "Listen, you are not allowed here. This place is forbidden to outsiders. I will let you go, but should you return, do not expect the same courtesy."

"Let us go?" asked Sky.

"That's right. Therefore, it would be wise to crawl back under that fence before I change my mind."

Sky angrily clutched his gun, his index finger steady on the trigger. Dawn gently lowered his arm and looked up at him.

"Sky," she said. "Come on, we should leave. Now."

He finally obliged, reluctantly lowering his weapon. Sky stood facing the three of them until Dawn made it back through the other side of the fence, before crawling under himself. Afterwards, they quickly rushed through the forest, as it became completely dark outside. Sky was able to use is wristwatch to find an easy path out.

Despite the high level of spiritual activity detected on his scanner, they were fortunate enough to have not encountered any demonic creatures. After running through the forest for fifteen straight minutes, Dawn and Sky eventually made out to the main road, where Ellie was awaiting them in the club van, along with Aria and Warren. The two reunited with the others inside the van and drove off into the town.

"Were you seriously about to kill those people back there?" asked Dawn. "I mean, Nicholas goes to our school."

Sky quietly stared at his gun for a moment before responding. "Self-defense. I don't trust that guy for a second. But I'm not so sure those 'people' were really people."

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