(1) The Interview

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"Mr Stan. Your interview is down here in the front lobby do you want me to send her up?' the front desk lobby receptionist said

"Yes Shari thank you." he said into his phone. "God I hope she's the one I need a new assistant like yesterday" he thought to himself. 

He heard the ding then heels clicking across the floor then there was a knock on the door. "Come in." he said 

His office door opened and she said "Mr Stan?"

"Yes. Hi." he said as he buttoned his coat as he stood up and walked over to her and shook her hand. 

"I'm Arianna Phelps." she said with a smile. 

He smiled as he took in the beauty before him tanned blonde hair big blue eyes pouty lips that she was biting and he said "Ms Phelps please take a seat." he said as he pointed to the chair once he realized he was staring to long. 

She sat down and crossed her legs he said "So um you are going to be my PA if you are hired. I just have a few questions." as he looked over her resume and saw that she was fresh out of college and 10 years younger than him. 

"Okay Ms Phelps I have to go a lot of business trips and I need to know if you have anything that could prevent you from coming with me. Cause as my PA I will need you to take notes of the meetings that I will be attending not just here but where I need to go to discuss business." Sebastian said 

"I have nothing holding me back I have very flexible hours." she said 

He bit his lip and thought "I bet you are very flexible in bed." He shook the thought away and said "Okay great." 

He continued on with more questions and the more she answered the more she was sounding more and more promising as the best potential employer for him. By the end of the interview he shook her hand and said "You are hired. You can start Monday since it's Friday." 

She smiled and said "Thank you Mr Stan." 

"You are very welcome Ms Phelps." he said as he lead her out to the elevator. 

"I'll see you Monday morning Mr Stan have a great weekend." she said 

"Have a great weekend Ms Phelps." he said with a smile. The elevator doors closed and he let out a breathe and whispered "Man she's perfect." 

He sat down at his desk and whispered "Arianna Phelps." 

He bit his lip then jumped when his cellphone rang "Hello" he said not checking the name.

"Hi Honey I was just wondering what you would like for supper tonight?' his wife Laura said

"Oh hi sweetheart sorry didn't check the name I don't mind what ever you want to cook." he said 

"Okay you will be home early tonight right. It's not going to be like how it has been lately." Laura said

"Well I hired a girl today she doesn't start till Monday so if I don't make it home just put in the microwave and I'll eat when I get home." he said 

"Oh okay." she said 

He hung up and the phone then sighed then went back to going over contracts for his next big merger. Arianna was at her apartment with her best friend since high school Noah and he said "So tell me about the interview today? Is he as good looking as he looks in all the newspaper pictures of him." 

"He's gorgeous like beyond gorgeous but he's married lets not forget that." she said as they ate their Chinese food. 

He smirked and said "Some married men like to sleep around you never know he may be one of them." 

"I highly doubt that he has pictures of her and his daughter all over his desk." she said as she slurped her lo mein noodle. 

Noah rolled his eyes "We need to get you laid honey. Dust out those cob webs baby." 

"I don't need anything what I need sleep good night." she said 

"Oh no you don't it's Friday night." Noah said

"And I"m tired you go have fun at your gay bar and meet you someone sweetheart I'm going to bed." she said as she took off her heels. 

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