(8) The Reveal

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It had been two weeks since she and Sebastian moved in together and now it was a week before Thanksgiving when they were about to debut as a couple at a charity event. Sebastian had her dress picked out along with shoes and a clutch to match as well as ll the jewelry he bought her before the trip to the Bahamas. 

She was in their bathroom fixing her hair as she stood there in bra and panties. He came in his velvet tux and said "Baby we have to leave soon and you still haven't clip these to your panty hose." 

"I don't know how these damn things work that's why I haven't put my dress on yet either." she said 

He came over and he knelt down and clipped them "There now where's your dress?" 

"On our bed." she said 

He came in and she stepped into her dress and he zipped it up and he whispered "Perfect you look gorgeous." 

He helped her with her shoes and then he said "You good." 

"Yeah I walk in heels all the time at work I'm fine." she said 

They walked downstairs and he grabbed the keys to her and they left to head to the charity ball. 

They arrived and the valet took her car then they walked the red carpet as they were walking and posing for pictures he kissed her

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They arrived and the valet took her car then they walked the red carpet as they were walking and posing for pictures he kissed her. Chris and Scarlett weren't to far behind them and Chris leaned in her ear and said "Did you know?'

"No why would I know." she said 

"Well you and Arianna and Elizabeth are pretty close." he said 

"Just because we have a few drinks here and there doesn't mean we are close Chris." Scarlett said as they went inside. 

They seen Sebastian keeping his hand on her ass as they were talking to other CEOs as they drank. Then it was time to sit down and eat she knew Sebastian had a reason for picking this dress he loves dressed with slits but he was good at not moving his hand up her dress. 

The Governor made his speech and then he allowed everyone to finish eating and going back to mingling or dancing on the dance floor. 

"All of Me" by John Legend started to play then he said "Dance with me" then he lead her on to the dance floor. They had their foreheads together with their eyes closed as they danced to the song. They danced a few more times that night then they went home as the night started to close. 

The next morning Laura was at Greg's apartment and he said "Whoa talk about a surprise." as he saw the Events page.

"What?' she said and he turned it around then plastered in black and white was the charity ball and in one picture with the caption "CEO Sebastian Stan and his new leading lady Arianna Phelps this comes hot on the heels of his divorce from his ex wife Laura Stan. But judging by this look it won't be long before there is a new Mrs Stan." 

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