Choices and a 2nd Ranger

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(picture on top shows the suits as armor rather then suits from the TV show, looks cooler and gives more protection from damage)

Skott knew with his actions he was make waves with the League but he didn't really care, because sometimes you have to make a choice, Sometimes standing up for what you believe means standing alone.

Right now he is at home, with Mirra watching then news, it was a conference with the several members of the Justice League who were talking about him.

"Members of the League, what can you tell us about this new comer to, he seems to be a different kind of hero," a reporter said.

"That's an understatement," Flash said with his usual grin.

"We the Justice League, no nothing about him and but the main conflict we have with him is his brutal tactics and need to cause unnecessary bloodshed, so we the League call out the Ranger, he needs to abide by the laws and rules set by the government and if he can't then we must step in, no one is above the law and no can play god," Superman stated neutrally.

Skott and Mirra frowned at his black and white attitude till some spoke up.

"I'm gonna have to stop you right there man of steel, no all of us believe in that cookie cutter non sense, because you Justice League Members have never lived like us, you take the bad guys to jail which is fine, but then they get out and cause more harm and destruction, when is enough; enough?" a man said speaking into the microphone.

The League stood there shocked by this as no one stood up like this before.

"What are you implying?" Wonder Women asked.

The cleared his his throat, "i am not implying anything, i'm stating the lines between good and evil are fixed but not the lines of right and wrong, so look inside your selves and ask, i am doing the right thing and what do i need to change because continuously locking up the bad guys isn't solving the problem," the man said before leaving.

Leaving a stunned audience and members of the J.L. in his wake.


After finishing up a job of a street gang taking a women's clinic hostage Scott headed out too see what other trouble people are trying to stir up.

He stood on a roof top that over looked the city, but it seemed quite, over the last fee days bad guys have been growing brains and are re- thinking there life choices.

In the Original red ranger armor he scoured over everything so he went from roof to roof on patrol.

He knew it was only a matter of time before, the League came after him but he didn't care he did what needed to be done. He was the last Power Ranger and he had a job to do.

He landed on a roof top on to find several people up there, he stood off to the side to watch as they hadn't noticed him yet.

They were 12 kids all together, Robin, Beast Boy, Raven, Artemis, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Zatana, Superboy, Miss Maritain, Starfire and Wonder Girl. They looked like they were talking about something, so he got in closer to hear what was being said.

"So what are doing here?" Superboy asked annoyed.

"Were waiting for the Ranger to appear, you all saw the footage from the event, he can't be allowed to do that and not expect consequences," Robin said frowning.

"Why, he put the fear of god into the bad guys, something we should do!" Kid Flash said.

"It doesn't work that way, otherwise we become the villians," Aqualad stated.

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