A Morale Choice

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A press conference in front of the hall of Justice stands Superman, Batman, Wonder Women, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Hawk Women, Black Canery, Green Arrow, Red Tornado and Power Girl.

Before them stand over a hundred reporters from various countries taping them as this had been called by the Justice League.

"We stand before you today, to call out the Power Rangers, there methods are brutal, they do not abide by the law and act with out thought of the consequences of their actions, we ask the United States Government to put a stop to them and there acts of immoral and senseless violence," Superman stated.

The crowds went nuts cheering and clapping till a mic was heard, everyone stopped and saw the mayor of jump city with several people in tow.

"I want to stop you right there Superman, you see what i am hearing is totalitarian fascism from you. You sound like you care more about the bad guys you lock up then the people you defend, how many innocent people have they killed because you didn't do what was right? How many times did you freeze up because you wanted to be heroes? I have with me people familes who lost loved ones because of you self righteousness," he said with a stern tone.

Stepping down, a couple came up to the mic holding a picture of what appears to be there son, "his name was Micheal Thruston, he was only 13 years old when the Joker killed him when he attacked the hospital in Gotham City, and what did you do? You locked him up in a facility that can barely contain him, all because you could kill that freak, i don't see you as heroes anymore but as self righteous and vain fools desperate to hold on to your titles," the wife said with tears in her eyes.

She backed away as a man came walking up to speak, " i watched as Killer Frost, Solomon Grundy, Metalo and DeathStroke went rampant in Metropolis, my Wife and my Daughter were killed in that attack, and the Justice League locked them up and ya know what happened? They broke out and went rampant in Star City. Does this sound like the job well done for hero's?" the man said backing down when a little girl of about 5 years old came up too the stand she was already in tears.

"M-My mommy and d-daddy were taken from by Professor *sniff* Zoom because he wanted the Flash to face him, he..he never showed up and *sob" they never came home, please i just want my mommy and daddy back i don't want too be alone," she begged in tears, the look of heartbreak on her innocent face.

People watched the little girl break down in tears realizing that not only what they were saying true but, that there no kill methods were affecting regular people, while they still had supporters it was now divided.

That was two lights appeared in the forms of the Rangers.

Wearing the Red Zeo and Pink Zeo armor, the stood there behind the little girl as she looked up at them and just sobbed, begging for her mommy and daddy back, Mirra rushed to the little girl and held her as she cried.

"You see, this is what that black and white attitude has created, for every villain you save and lock away 5 innocent bystanders suffer and then end result is this homes, Families torn apart, is this the kind of hero worship you crave because if so, your not heroes. And i will tell you this, the dead don't speak, the living do, i am no hero and will not pretend to be, heroes are villains hiding behind the mask of goodness, i"ve seen what heroes become when they have no purpose, what about you?" Skott challenged them.

They stood there in shock, for the first time ever they were seeing the other side of there battles, the people and families that were broken and destroyed by there ideals, it was a culture shock to them when Batman spoke.

"Say we adopt that philosophy, even if we killed are the killers out there; there is still one killer left...you," he said sagely.

"Who says, you, me...God? Then by that fault if we don't kill the killer then we have inadvertently cause the deaths of all the future innocents said killer has yet to kill, and i am not talking about the mob bosses or pedophiles or traffickers, i am talking about civil servants who stand up for Justice and are cut down by the greedy and cruel for it or the innocent caught in the crossfire just living their lives...what then do we let it go because that is how life is and we should just accept the 'natural' order of things?" Skott countered.

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