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At the tower we find many of the on call leaguers watching the main viewing screens, in seats with popcorn.

The reason is Skott and Mirra having taken the young justice and split them up in too two groups.

Mirra took the girls and went too the Angel's Grove in Gotham City, there, they helped the Nurses with some of the children, being big sisters for the day.

Talking with them, feeding the babies, playing with those that are not as bed ridden.

The one who had the most challenges were Raven and Ma'Gan, One didn't have siblings nor deal with emotions on a regular basis while the other was a tad bit clumsy.

"Wow they are doing better then i thought" John said to Hal who nodded.

"I think with some more personal time they could make great mothers" Diana said aloud grabbing some popcorn.

On the other screen we have Skott with the boys doing some one on one with the students of his dojo, it was women appreciation week and he made them teach his female how to defend themselves and gain strength and confidence in themselves.

"Wow, he is a real slave driver!" Clark said sitting with Lois who was taking notes and was gonna take his class as well.

"I can appreciate it" Bruce said with a smirk, watching Damien getting his ego handed to him.

Dick, Jason and Tim were snickering about the youngest Wayne. Of course they got smacked by Batgirl and Batwomen, who shook their heads but frinned amused anyways.

Diana looked over at the other screen then to him and smiled, leaning her head in slightly smiling as Bruce took her hand in his and interlocked their fingers.

At Mirra's end we see her checking in on the kids and making sure everything is going smoothly, she now worked as the head of the hospitals because of her medical background and she was her husband's secretary from time to time though he took care of most of his planning.

But soon was stopped when they all heard commotion and she went to investigate and found and unruly man about his child being defective and it was a disgrace to him, trying to calm him down only made him more angry.

"Excuse me, but you being disruptive, please calm down or leave" She said aloud walking in with security.

The man who looked to be in his late 30's was wearing a suit and looked to be a business man gruffed a bit.

"Who are you? Just a women who knows nothing, this little bitch is costing me too much money, keep it i don't want it" he said angrily.

This pissed her off as did her security who were reaching slowly for there night sticks.

"Then leave, but i will not have you stress my patients anymore then they already are" she said with an edge to it.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that, do you know who i am! I....".

Having had enough security grabbed him roughly and escorted him out. The little girl who was both terrified and in tears was now being comforted by her.

The league was in shock, minus Jason and A few others.

"How could he just dismiss her like that, his own child," Diana said enraged.

"Products of environment," Bruce said glaring at the screen.

Skott felt his body tingle, "someone must have pissed her off" he mumbled.

He looked up at the camera's, "this is why you never piss off a women" making them sweatdrop, as Wally asked who he was talking to.

The man broke from his captives and pulled out a gun and went back into the room were he just opened fired on Mirra and the little girl, but thankfully his aim was so atrocious he missed, nicking Mirra in the shoulder as she shielded her patient.

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