The Ultimatum

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Skott and Alpha had just completed work on the new Master Morphers, fixing up pair of Zeo Morpher, Space Ranger Morpher, Wild Force Morpher, Dino Thunder Morpher,  S.P.D. Morpher and R.P.M Morpher.

Instead of the usual six, seven would be the new team with Scott as the leader so now all that was needed were members who not only could fight and hold there own against evil but also keep a secret cause if this ever got out, the repercussions would be dangerous.

Walking away with the Zeonizers in hand he went up stairs to see Mirra and Alpha, working on something.

He coughed into his to get there attention, they pair looked up to see him, "Hey Skott, whats up?"she asked.

"I finished the Master Morphers, here are yours," he handed her the two.

She looked at them slightly confused, as they didn't look like his buckler, but she took them from him anyways and looked up at him as he explained.

"These are the Zeo Morphers, these were used after the Bucklers were destroyed, once you put them on they disappear, but when you need to Morph, flick your wrists and they appear," he says demonstrating it to her.

She got the gist of it and. Put them on both disappearing, one on her right becoming a wrist communicator the other becoming special bracelet that had seven charms. A Heart, Cloud, Rainbow, Lightning Bolt, pair of Wings, a Dagger and a Dove.

She smiled at him and his thoughtfulness, "i love it, thank you," she said to him kissing his cheek.

"Why don't we give your new powers a test run? Make sure it work properly!" he said to her, she nodded to him.

Heading out into the hills where there were no people or animals near by, looking around they nodded to each other and Mirra did as she was shown flicking her wrists then performing the hand signs Scott taught her.

"It's Morphin time," she said.

Thinking of the first thing that came to her head was the original gold ranger and she shouted it out.

"Gold Ranger Power".

And a gold and black light shined and she was now the Zeo Gold Ranger, she looked at herself and raised her hands around she felt power surging through her and it excited her.

Taking of her helmet she looked like Skott just slimmer, she smiled at him with and excited look, she was a power ranger now.

"You did it, but now the real test begins," he said to her.


Mount Justice

Batman, Black Canary, Red Tornado, stand in front of the young team to assess there encounter with the Power Ranger.

"To be honest, i don't know what to make of him, his actions show many things of what he speaks, but he could become a threat later on if he finds out about things like Cadmus and the Legion of Doom," Robin stated.

Batman nodded at his sidekick, it made a lot of sense, as the Ranger didn't make deals with the devil, he fought for peace and betterment of everyone, but it didn't always work that way in their experience.

"Well your new mission for now is too gather as much info on on this new comer and well take it from there after," Batman stated.

"Now then who wants to spar?" Black Canary said.

Several hands went up and they followed there den mother into the training room.

Leaving Batman and Red Tornado alone, the Dark Knight took of back to Gotham while Red Tornado followed his ward to assess there strengths and weakness.

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