Meeting of Heros and Villans

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It has been a month, since the pair came to this new world but things have turned pretty well for them, he still fights as Zordon and his family would want, for Justice, for Honor and to never compromise with Evil.

We find our hero in the City wearing the Dragon Ranger armor, he is up on the roof tops just keeping an eye out when he saw a personalized jet fly by that was when he felt several presences behind him, making him turn around to see several members of the Justice League.

From left to right we see, G.L. John Stewart, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, Batman, Wonder Women, The Flash, Black Canery, Cyborg and Aquaman and PowerGirl.

He looked at them having known who they are (superhero names only) he stands there not moving, "what can i help you folks with?" Skott asked.

They Batman narrowed his eyes at this man in front of him, he was the new hero that only was taking on small time things but had a near flawless track record, the others were having similar thoughts but still varied.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Wonder women asked slowly taking a couple steps closer to him.

He never tensed or showed any sign of acknowledgment, he stood still and then sighed before crossing his arms over the Dragon Shield.

"Well in simple terms i'm from another dimension, a world were the guardians of peace and justice were called the Power Rangers, for over a thousand generations we were what stopped evil from taking a hold and encasing the universe in despair and loss.

But the Dark Council comprised of the worst of the worst took the fight too us and we lost all hope with my friends and family fellow Rangers being hunted to extinction, we managed to fight back but in doing so my world and way of life was destroyed, my mentor in his final moments gave his life so that i may live and fight for the people who can't fight for themselves, to be the voice of the voiceless and earn my right to see my family again once it is my time to become with the Grid again," Skott told them all.

He various reactions some of sympathy, others of respect but all heard the conviction in his voice so the relaxed a bit, when there was an explosion and they saw a giant bear like monster coming to them.

"We need to stop it now!" Cyborg said.

"Leave that to me, i have some friends i want him to sy hello to," The Green Ranger said to them putting up a hand as he grabbed the Dragon Dagger.

"I call upon the power of the Dragonzord," he shouted and then began playing the song.

The League heard and looked at him like he was nuts, 'whats a Zord?' they all thought.

When out in the water it erupted and out came this gigantic robot, green, black and gold color scheme, as it roared like a Dragon walking out of the harbor and heading to the creature.

"Well this was fun my fellow heroes but people will die should this creature be remain, good night to you all," Skott said jumping on top of the Zord and heading inside the cockpit luckily they found a huge opening of land so no casualties or property damage.

The Leaguers stood and watched with shocked faces, some fixed on the fight, "what kind of Power us this that he can command machines?" Wonder Women said.

Cyborg began running a diagnostic, on this.

"Cyborg..." Batman said but was beat to the punch by Cyborg.

"Way ahead of you, but this reading is nothing like what we have on earth, it's a completely different power source from our, but its not negative in anyway. It doesn't emit anything negative...if anything its all positive similar to emotions," he said to them as they watched the fight.

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