Family Ties

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Scott and Mirra stood and watched as the mighty members of the Justice League apologize to a five year old girl.

Flash came up to her his eyes filled with shame, he remembered seeing her face and horrible sadness it held begging for her mother and father, it has haunted his thought on and off for the last few months, but at least now he could fix half of his mistake.

"Hey, i-i'm sorry! I failed to save your family. I'm so sorry that..."

He started tearing up because she reminded him of his nephew Wally. And it tore at his heart seeing this little girls had to deal with that kind of trauma.

Serah felt bad for him, secretly knowing her parents are the Power Rangers she came to understand the pressure that came with that responsibility. So she walked up too him and hugged him.

"It's okay mister Flash, i know you didn't mean for them to be taken away, and i'm not mad at you! But i am sorry your hurting. Please don't be sad it will be okay in the end," she said.

He hugged her back and just cried Mirra were so proud of her, the couple smiled at her she was such a good soul. Merrick who was just starting too wake up looked around and saw different people with colorful clothing on, his eyes went big this was both new and fascinating to him.

Flash had finished his cry and thanked the little girl who smiled and nodded and went back to her parents.

Members of the league were just impressed by this little girl who lost her family yet didn't give into the darkness many do. It was rather nice to see. It showed them hope they needed to feel.

Scott picked her up and kissed her cheek, "i am so proud of you sweat pea," he told her.

Mirra kissed her other cheek making her smile.

Merrick on the other hand was entranced by the flashy costumes with big eyes and the need to talk he began cooing at the Heroes.

Supeman smiled, Batman gave a ghost smile, John Stewart chuckledat him, Jo'nn smiled as well but the girls blushed and coo'd back.

Power Girl, Black Canary, Hawkwomen, Katana, Batwomen, and several other female leaguers thought he was just the cutest thing ever as Mirra walked up to the group with her baby boy in tow, big excited eyes and a toothless grin plastered on his face, he was very excited as he began wiggling in her arms.

Mirra deciding it would be okay let the girls hold Merrick, giving him to Black Canary as the girls sat around the table that was in the room just giving him attention.

"Hi big boy, hi their!" Black Canary said to him with a baby voice and a smile.

He looked at her and smiled back big and toothless even giggling a bit much to the ladies blushing and cuteness overload.

Mirra looked smiling, she couldn't have asked for better babies.

Merrick looked at all the female leaguers, he was rather excited, to see them! Making baby noises at them as if he was talking to them, he was having a ball.

"Oh he is just adorable," Power Girl said, caressing his cheek and he gave what almost sounded like a purring sound making them gasped then squeal. While the guys just watched with some in total shock.

"I have never seen such a happy baby before," Wonder Women said surprised but happy at the same time.

"I know, he is like every mother's dream!" Black Canary said happily thinking of her own one day.

They took turns holding him, he snuggled into them all and coo'd at them all, it made them happy. Power Girl was the most affected she kissed his head closing her eyes and hugging him to her, this is what she wanted the most her own little baby to love.

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