Retribution/Secret Reveal

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Skott stood in his living room, watching the sun rise, he sighed as he knew things were gonna get much more difficult now, but they brought this on them selves, he was done playing nice, The League made their gamble and lost now it was his turn to fight back.

Watching the sun rise, he heard a small noise behind him seeing Serah standing their rubbing her eyes with bed head galore.

"Hi daddy," she said softly to him.

He turned and walked up too her picking her up, "hi baby, how come your up?" He asked kissing her head.

"Bad dream," she said laying down her head on his shoulder.

He frowned, having only been two weeks since the incident, but still that kind of trauma doesn't leave you quickly enough.

He walked with her back to her bed, kissing her head again, "i promise you nothing like that will ever happen again, daddy will make all better," he said to her as she nodded, yawned and went back too sleep gripping her little stuffed bear.

He walked out gently leaving the door a crack, as he went to check on Mirra and Merick, opening the door he saw the two. The baby was asleep but Mirra was whimpering, so he came in walking up next to her, kissing her cheek, which calmed her down as she slowly opened her eyes to see him.

"Hi baby, bad dream?" he asked.

She nodded, "i'm sorry, but that" she stopped at fresh tears appeared.

He gently hugged her as she sniffles into him, "i know, but things will change you will never have to deal with that again".

They both looked at each other, and came in for a soft kiss, something she needed desperately. She turned her body over and embraced him, he made her feel safe and calm.

"Thank you Skott for everything, you have been so wonderful," she said genuinely to him seeing only love, care and devotion in his eyes.

In the two weeks the three had bad nightmares, lots of crying but he took it all on and nurtured them all when needed and gave both support and love, he had; had similar things happened to him years earlier so he understood it.

Alpha helped out were he could which took a lot off of Skott as well specially with the kids.

Mirra put her Ranger duties on hold to be a Mother, which Scott supported 100% plus the couple didn't like the idea of leaving her babies alone specially right now with all this stuff with the league and legion going on.

Mirra got up with Skott and he made them breakfast while the kids slept, wanting to spend some alone time together.

"So what are you gonna do now?" she asked him taking bites of food.

He looked at her and his face darkened a bit, "i'm confronting the league, they had no right to do this and now it's personal and the world knows, the backlash against the league is proof enough. You three are more important then my duties as a Ranger and would give them up in a heart beat for you!" he said without hesitation.

Mirra who knew he loved being a Ranger looked at him in total shock, "Sko..".

"No Mirra, i love you and the kids more then anything else and this cut it for me, your safety is more important," he told her as their fingers interlocked.

She smiled at him, "Well then give them hell for us, make sure they understand why you don't fuck with the Rangers," she coo'd at him in a seductive tone but had a dangerous glint in her eyes.

He chuckled at her as he moved his chair closer to her, "your wish is my command my lady!" he said reaching and kissing her again with more passion and vigor.

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