Blank Screens

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This morning as I walked into my work place, i suddenly thought how there would never be another day such as this in the history of the world. What i did or didn't do yesterday is lost forever, i will never be able to bring the past days back, to fix whatever went wrong.

This made me write a note to self_that i ought to utilize my twenty-four hours maximumly. A day shouldn't pass by where i do nothing productive. I should have goals to conquer each day.

i imagine that at the end of this earthly life, a time will come when we go to heaven and then we shall have to account on how we spent our lives, films of our lives here will be played back. Just imagine how embarrassed one could become if one's film comes up and there are a lot of blank screens; meaning you did absolutely nothing worth showing on those particular days, months, years or even decades. Imagine the regret.

There is so much to do but we often procrastinate and never get to doing somethings and yet time waits for no man. Part of your life will have wasted away in nothingness. my parting thought on this is_ what has to be done today, do today. and if you have nothing to do, find something to do. Something you would gladly watch in your own movie.

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