A lack of money doesn't make me poor

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Honestly speaking, I have never been with lots of money... Money that is too much I can't seem to deplete. I have never been that kind of rich. But I have been rich with love, rich with laughter.

I can't claim to have ever had a comfortable life growing up. Money was always scarce, but we still grew up. We were_are healthy, we went to school and now most of us are fully grown up to live on our own. We are still not rich with money but thankfully we are fine by the grace of God.. We learned early enough that we must work to earn our keep. That's why you will scarcely ever hear me or one of my own begging for handouts. Because God gave us these limbs, these eyes, these brains so that from these we can sustain ourselves.

If I ever become rich with money I pray that I remain true to myself. That I may use my wealth to lend a hand to those who most need it.

That I remain rich in spirit regardless of however much I make. That richness in money may never make me poor in love and laughter.

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