Save one for Christ

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For the past forty days I have been reading a life changing Christian book - The purpose driven life by Rick Warren. I have learnt so much from this book that hopefully I can use as a guideline in living my life as a true Christian ought to.

A few days ago, as am approaching the end of the book, Pastor Rick tells a story about his father, who was a pastor too -amazingly. He narrates the last days of his father who was bed ridden and hospitalized. In the last hours of his earthly life, Rick's father is in a semi unconscious state. He dreams aloud. During one of these dreams, he is talking in a loud voice and struggling to get out of bed though he is too weak to do that. He says " I need to save one more for Christ. " Over and over again.

I felt so moved by this frail sick old man's devotion, faith and love for another human to get to heaven. After guiding a great multitude of people to knowing and understanding Christ, he was determined to go the extra mile and add at least one other person to those already there before he rested.

To me a youthful Christian with lots of time , resources and opportunities to reach other Christians and non believers, this is a benchmark that I have to base upon to be a bonafide missionary wherever I maybe or go.

Every christian is called to be a missionary. At the end of this chapter, the pastor asks this," What are you willing to do so that people you know go to heaven ?"

Imagine the joy of meeting someone you brought to Christ in heaven and hearing him say its because of you that am here. its awesome right?

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