Chapter 2 ~ He's Married

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Jimmy's POV

After a few hours of watching hilarious movies with Kevin Hart in them and throwing popcorn while making jokes at one another, Chris was the first to fall asleep. Since then I've noticed Chandler glancing at him a few times.

I'm ninety nine point nine percent sure he either likes him or completely zoned while looking at him. Although from the way his eyes seem to focus on every detail of his face, it's safe to assume the former. Sure I would feel like a third wheel in my own home, but I actually find them good for each other. It's almost like a personal romance drama unfolding in front of me. It's seemed to be like this for a while now and no moves have been made. It's almost frustrating.

Eventually I go back to the movie.

Soon enough, I watch as the credits roll on the screen as the movie Night School finished up. I glance back over at Chandler and Chris on the bigger couch under the blanket I gave them. I glanced up at Chandler to catch him still looking down at Chris sleeping. I grinned so wide I feared my face would split in half.

Oh yeah, there's no denying the obvious, he definitely likes him. I can work with this.

"You do remember Chris is married right?"

Chandler nearly jumps five feet in the air seeming to realize I was still there. This caused Chris' head to fall over on his shoulder in his sleep. I nearly burst burst into laughter, seeing how quickly Chandler's body tensed. We both go still for a second to see if Chris had woken up or not.

After a few seconds we're in the clear. Chris always seemed to be a heavy sleeper. The pranks we did back then were endless. He finally looks up from Chris and back to me. "W-what?"

Did he just?- Oh this is too good.

I purse my lips trying not to smile. "Since when did you stutter Chandler?" He only clears his throat, ignoring my question and going back to my previous one.

"What are you talking about?"

"Chris. His wife. Married. Ring a bell?"

"Of course I remember, I was there at the wedding. What is any of that supposed to mean though?" His eyebrows furrow and for a second I believe he's genuinely confused. Much to his dismay, I know him too well and know he's faking it.

Alright, if you wanna play it that way then I'll play along. Chandler my boy, you make life so fun for me. "It only means everything my dear friend. It means you can't have him."

If I'm being honest with myself, I really can honestly see the two of them working out. From the years I've known them, they've always been extra kind to one another. It's like watching two of your friends develop feelings and knowing they're going to end up together. You know it's going to happen and you're waiting, yet you don't wanna say anything and ruin they're moment.

Chris is indeed married, but I don't think he's as happy with his wife as he should be. I knew he and Katie dated in high school for a bit, but when they announced a wedding, I was thrown for a loop. It came out of no where and none of us were ready for it. If only I had a picture of the looks on our faces when he told all the guys. To put it simply, their marriage is so mundane. They don't necessarily push one another to be a better person either, not to mention Katie is a bit controlling.

Sure maybe it sounds a bit harsh and judgmental but I want what's best for him. He deserves to be happier. Not only that but Katie too. With that being said, I'll support him whether he realizes that or not.

Chandler snorts. "Who said I wanted him? I think you're the one letting the comments get to you Jim."

Chris shifts on the couch in his sleep and his arm wraps around Chandler at the waist. Chandler goes quiet as his eyes grow wide while looking at his friend cling onto him. I look at him with a growing smirk on my face. "Oh of course, because this is all totally in my head?" I couldn't help laughing a bit at the end as he tries to throw the pillow next to him at me.

Before he could make another remark I beat him to it. "Anyway I'm headed up to sleep. You guys can take the guest rooms if you want. Or you know... room if you prefer that instead." I wink and hurriedly stand up making my way to my own bedroom. My laugh echoing down the hall as I hear Chandler whisper yelling profanities at me.

Shutting my room door, I then plop down on my bed with a sigh escaping me. I'm forever going to be a third wheel around them. Not that I mind though. Which reminds me, I wonder what Chris' reaction would be to all of this. He's definitely my next victim.

Things have been really simple around here. Minus the challenges and crazy videos of course. Things have been normal. Almost too normal. Yeah, I might have to change that. I kind of want to make this love story continue. It's been out on pause ever since the wedding. That night had a bit of drama itself. It still remains a mystery to me but seeing the condition they were in after, I have an idea. No need for it to end there, right?

All those two need is a push in the right direction. I may know just how to do that. I think it's time we take a little trip somewhere.

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Just so you guys know, I'm trying to update as soon as possible. I can't promise any dates, considering I have another project.

Who knows, maybe if you guys vote then the chapters may come out faster. Wink wink nudge nudge.... okay I'll go home haha.

Feel free to message me. We can chat lol.

Instagram: daena_main
Lets be friends lol.

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