Chapter 3 ~ Wait, we're going to.. what?

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Chris' POV

I groan as someone shakes me awake. Opening my eyes a bit, I notice it's Jimmy. Of course of it is. I smack his hand to get him to stop but he just pulls my arm, making me fall off the couch. I hear the thud before I actually feel it and glare up at the one responsible.

Jimmy laughs and just ruffles my hair. "Sleep well?" I didn't say anything but just stared at him hoping my stare would somehow hurt him. "Well good we have quite a big day ahead of us. Get ready to pack your things." He walks back down the hall after that.

I continue staring at his back before he disappeared, trying and hoping my glare would make him trip or something. Anything. After a bit I eventually give up and relax onto the cool wood below me, only realizing the presence of someone else when I hear shuffling above me.
Chandler rubs his eyes and stretches over to see me lying in the floor.

Oh hello.

"What are you doing?"

Oh you know. Relaxing on the floor. You don't do that?

I glare at him wordlessly just like I did Jimmy. I just wanted peaceful sleep. It's not like I'm just casually laying on the cold floor by choice. "Yikes someone's grumpy." He lays his head back on the pillow and starts to rub his tired eyes.

I smile lightly as I notice his hair flying in all directions. He reminds me a lot of a six year old like that. I poke his nose and stand up to go to the bathroom. I see him just blink a few times to try to process what just happened.

Me too Chandler, me too.

After washing my hands, I walk out of the restroom as my phone rings with a call. I debate whether to answer or not and call back later until I notice it's my wife so I pick up. "Hey what's up? Everything good?"

"Everything is great! Did Jimmy tell you the news yet?"

I frown before hesitantly speaking again. "What news?"

Please don't be pregnant.

I love kids but I just don't think I'm ready yet is all.

"We're all going to Barbados!!! Jimmy is paying for it all and everyone is going. He even invited me and my sister along! I've heard it's so romantic there. I can't wait for us to spend some time together out there."

I freeze.

Wait we're going to... what?!?

"I can't wait either sweetheart, but hey I'll call you back. I have to talk to Jimmy about our trip."

"Oh okay I'll see you at the airport later on. Kisses. Bye."

The phone hangs up before I can say anything else. Airport? Are we leaving today? I think back to Jimmy talking about packing earlier and my eyes nearly bulge from my sockets as I turn in the direction of his room.

"Jimmy!" I call down the hall before walking into his room. He looks at my confused expression and smiles brightly at me. "Oh you must've heard the news, am I right?"

Is he insane?

"Can you explain what's going on please? Suddenly I'm being taken on an expensive trip with everyone?"

"That is correct. I'm taking us all on this beautiful trip to the Caribbean so we can all relax and.. connect?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He doesn't even seem sure of his own answer. He claps his hands and turns back to his suitcase on his bed. "Anyways pack up. We're leaving at three and our flight leaves at five. Tell Chandler the news and put your shoes on so I can drive you guys back home to pack."

He walks into his bathroom and closes the door so I make my way back to the living room. I know Jimmy spends his money on challenges and everything but this is completely different from anything I'd expect from him. I catch Chandler in the kitchen stuffing a pop tart in his mouth. He nearly choked when he sees me. I laugh and walk over to him and break off a piece of the pop tart that's hanging out of his mouth before eating it.

He stares at me for a few seconds and I just laugh it off. "Grab all your stuff because we're going home to pack for our trip."

"Our trip?"

"Yeah apparently out of nowhere we're all going on an all expenses paid trip to Barbados. We need to leave now to pack in time."

I watch as his eyes go wide and I smile "Holy crap."

Laughing a grab a pop tart for myself. "I know right? Watch this be a prank when we get to the airport."

Jimmy walks in with his keys. "You guys ready?" We both nod our heads and go out to Jimmy's car.

< do do do do do commercial break :) >

After about two hours of boring packing we finally pull up to the airport. Everyone else is standing in the waiting area with their bags. Bailey and Garrett are the first to notice us walking up to them. Bailey goes up to Jimmy and they do an awkward hand shake then hug.

I watch as Garrett goes and talks to Chandler while I turn to see my wife Katie and she nearly pounces on me. "It's about time you guys got here. Our plane is boarding in five minutes. Let's go!" She grabs my hand and drags me to pick up my ticket with everyone following as well.  I feel as if I'm being rushed from one place to another.

After grabbing our tickets I look at the seating and notice that I'm sitting next to Katie. Chandler looks over my shoulder at my seat number. "Oh hey we're plane buddies man." 

I laugh nervously. I'm not sure how to feel with him towering over me from behind. Maybe I'm just nervous because we'll be something thousand feet in the air. Someone over the speaker announces our flight is boarding. Chandler falls asleep as soon as the flight takes off, making me and Katie laugh. He falls over on me in his sleep and Katie giggles pulling out her phone.

She's okay with this? I thought-

"I definitely have to catch this. This is too cute!" I feel my face heating up as she takes the photo.

When she shows me the photo I couldn't help but smile. It is kind of adorable I'll admit. He looks so peaceful when he naps like that. Like he doesn't have a care in the world. It's refreshing.

"Could you send that to me?" She looks at me for a bit before she hesitantly nods and sends it to me. I forward it to Chandler as well.

Katie leans her head on my other shoulder and I find myself drifting off as well with my head falling onto Chandler's.

Finally I can get some sleep.

Barbados, here we come.

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Hey peeps sorry I took a while I'll make sure to have another update out soon to make up for it. I've been preparing for my ACT exam and blah blah blah school stuff. You guys have been voting on this story so much and it honestly makes my day. It sometimes makes me think that you guys aren't real and someone is trolling me haha. I'm overwhelmed at the fact that you guys are enjoying this and showing support. I'll stop rambling now. Till next time! <3

Should I make the chapters longer?

Instagram: daena_main
Lets be friends lol.

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